Andreas Taverna
About Me
- Lab manager warm water aquaria
- responsible for the cold water fish
- molecular genetics technician
- person in charge of animal protection and animal experiments
- supervisor for learning lab assistants in biology
- Lundsgaard-Hansen B, Matthews B, Vonlanthen P, Taverna A, Seehausen O. (2013) Adaptive plasticity and genetic divergence in feeding efficiency during parallel adaptive radiation of whitefish (Coregonus spp.). J Evol Biol. 26 483-498 doi: 10.1111/jeb.12063 [pdf, 440 KB]
- Roesch, C, Lundsgaard-Hansen, B, Vonlanthen, P, Taverna, A, Seehausen O, (2013) Experimental evidence for trait utility of gill raker number in adaptive radiation of a north temperate fish. J of Evol Biol. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12166 [pdf, 275 KB]
- Keller, I, Taverna, A, Seehausen, O. (2011) Evidence of neutral and adaptive genetic divergence between European trout populations sampled along altitudinal gradients. Molecular Ecology, Vol 20, 1888-1904, doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2011.05067.x [pdf, 386KB]
- Keller I, Taverna A, Seehausen O (2010) A pyrosequencing assay for the rapid discrimination of mitochondrial lineages in the Salmo trutta species complex, Mol Ecol Resour doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02897.x [pdf, 206 KB]
- Beat Müller, Rudolf Müller, Erwin Schäffer, Ruth Stierli, Andreas Taverna, Richard Illi. Der Vierwaldstättersee, Früherkennungsprogramm. Bericht über die 7 Becken-Messkampagne von 2000, 2004 und 2010 – EAWAG
- Daniel Küry, Andreas Taverna, Emmanuel Contesse. Birs Makrozoobenthos 2003 – Bau und Umweltschutzdirektion Kanton Basel-landschaft, Amt für Umweltschutz und Energie
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Curriculum Vitae
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E-Mail: | |
Phone: | +41 58 765 2132 |
Fax: | +41 58 765 2168 |
Address: | Eawag
Seestrasse 79 6047 Kastanienbaum |
Office: | SL B17 |