
Jakob Brodersen

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About Me

Group leader river fish ecology

Research interests
I spend a significant part of my research studying migration ecology. An important question in my research is why some individuals choose to migrate whereas others stay resident. Further, the temporal change in spatial abundance patterns caused by migration can have consequences on ecosystem dynamics. However, since the variation in migratory patterns between populations and between individuals within populations is affected by variation in the ecosystem, it challenges our traditional mechanistic views on causes and consequences in ecosystem dynamics.

My research on fish migration are carried out in three different study systems:

1. Trout partial and differential migration from multiple streams into Lake Lucerne, Switzerland.

2. Winter migration of cyprinid fish from lake into streams in Denmark and southern Sweden.

3. Diversification of anadromous charr in southern Greenland

Additionally, I have a great interest in the ecological and evolutionary diversification of organisms, with particular focus on freshwater fish. A thorough understanding of such variation in nature is crucial for conservation of existing and future biodiversity and also essential for our understanding of ecological dynamics in food webs.

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Assessing biodiversity from genes to communities in Swiss river fish
Investigating the interactions between migration ecology, local adaptation and diversification
How does such compromised bed-load transport affect fish in terms of their feeding and habitat? And what measures can be taken to restore a river's bed-load regime?
Small hydropower plants may affect river ecosystems in various ways due to changes in flow regimes and blocking of movement of aquatic organisms
Watercourses are among earth's most biodiverse ecosystems. However, they are also under severe pressure from construction work and hydropower generation, among other things.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Brodersen, J.; Howeth, J. G.; Post, D. M. (2015) Emergence of a novel prey life history promotes contemporary sympatric diversification in a top predator, Nature Communications, 6, 8115 (9 pp.), doi:10.1038/ncomms9115, Institutional Repository
Chapman, B. B.; Hulthén, K.; Brönmark, C.; Nilsson, P. A.; Skov, C.; Hansson, L.-A.; Brodersen, J. (2015) Shape up or ship out: migratory behaviour predicts morphology across spatial scale in a freshwater fish, Journal of Animal Ecology, 84(5), 1187-1193, doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12374, Institutional Repository
Brodersen, J.; Seehausen, O. (2014) Why evolutionary biologists should get seriously involved in ecological monitoring and applied biodiversity assessment programs, Evolutionary Applications, 7(9), 968-983, doi:10.1111/eva.12215, Institutional Repository
Brodersen, J.; Nilsson, P. A.; Chapman, B. B.; Skov, C.; Hansson, L.-A.; Brönmark, C. (2012) Variable individual consistency in timing and destination of winter migrating fish, Biology Letters, 8(1), 21-23, doi:10.1098/rsbl.2011.0634, Institutional Repository
Brodersen, J.; Nicolle, A.; Nilsson, P. A.; Skov, C.; Brönmark, C.; Hansson, L.-A. (2011) Interplay between temperature, fish partial migration and trophic dynamics, Oikos, 120(12), 1838-1846, doi:10.1111/j.1600-0706.2011.19433.x, Institutional Repository

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Phone: +41 58 765 2204
Fax: +41 58 765 2168
Address: Eawag
Seestrasse 79
6047 Kastanienbaum
Office: CA B12

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Expert on

isotopes, ecology

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