Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development
FaME - Faecal Management Enterprises

Developing reuse-oriented faecal sludge solutions through value chain management in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), onsite sanitation systems are the most commonly used, and often the most sustainable option,. However, the prevailing condition across the region is characterized by dysfunctional onsite sanitation systems, poorly maintained faecal sludge collection and transport infrastructures, and few alternatives to disposing untreated or inadequately treated faecal sludge directly into the environment.
The FaME project focuses on developing solutions for faecal sludge management that provide a financial driver to enhance service at every step in the value chain. The purpose of the FaME project is to create scalable reuse‑oriented faecal sludge value chains that capture and create value from faecal sludge end-products. To achieve this, market demand and calorific value studies have been conducted in Ghana, Uganda, and Senegal, reuse-based financial-flow models are being developed and research on enhancing dryness and combustion of faecal sludge in pilot kilns in Senegal and Kampala is being conducted.
Journal articles:
Conference Presentations:
Fuel potential of faecal sludge - calorific value results from Uganda, Ghana and Senegal T. Nakato, L. Strande, C. Niwagaba, H. Dione, N. Baawuah, A. Murray (2012)
Market demand for end-products of faecal sludge treatment in Kampala, Accra and Dakar S. Semiyaga, S. Diener, C.B. Niwagaba, J. B. Gning, J. E. Ennin, L. Strande (2012)