
Task 1: Simple stoichiometry using the stoichcalc-package

Study the implementation of the simple stoichiometry of algae growth as formulated in exercise 1 based on the stoichcalc-package.

# load required packages:
if ( !require("stoichcalc") ) {install.packages("stoichcalc"); library(stoichcalc) }

To use the stoichcalc-package, we first need to construct a composition matrix.

HPO4   <- c(P      = 1)                   # gP/gHPO4-P
ALG    <- c(P      = 0.01)                # gP/gALG

subst.comp <- list(HPO4   = HPO4,
                   ALG    = ALG)

alpha.1 <- calc.comp.matrix(subst.comp)


Next, we use the function calc.stoich.coef to calculate the stoichiometric coefficients of the processes that describe growth and respiration of algae.

nu.gro.ALG <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.1,
                    name        = "growth.ALG",
                    subst       = c("HPO4","ALG"),
                    subst.norm  = "ALG",
                    nu.norm     = 1)

nu.resp.ALG <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.1,
                    name        = "resp.ALG",
                    subst       = c("HPO4","ALG"),
                    subst.norm  = "ALG",
                    nu.norm     = -1)

nu.1 <- rbind(nu.gro.ALG,

Task 2: Stoichiometry of a complex process model

Study the implementation of the stoichiometry of a process model of algae and zooplankton growth, respiration and death given below.

First we set the parameter values:

# Complex stoichiometry
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

param <- list(a.O.ALG     = 0.50,         # gO/gALG
              a.H.ALG     = 0.07,         # gH/gALG
              a.N.ALG     = 0.06,         # gN/gALG
              a.P.ALG     = 0.005,        # gP/gALG
              a.O.ZOO     = 0.50,         # gO/gZOO
              a.H.ZOO     = 0.07,         # gH/gZOO
              a.N.ZOO     = 0.06,         # gN/gZOO
              a.P.ZOO     = 0.01,         # gP/gZOO
              a.O.POM     = 0.40,         # gO/gPOM
              a.H.POM     = 0.07,         # gH/gPOM
              a.N.POM     = 0.04,         # gN/gPOM
              a.P.POM     = 0.007,        # gP/gPOM
              Y.ZOO       = 0.2,          # gZOO/gALG
              f.e         = 0.4)          # gPOM/gALG

# choose carbon fractions to guarantee that the fractions sum to unity:

param$a.C.ALG = 1-(param$a.O.ALG+param$a.H.ALG+param$a.N.ALG+param$a.P.ALG)
param$a.C.ZOO = 1-(param$a.O.ZOO+param$a.H.ZOO+param$a.N.ZOO+param$a.P.ZOO)
param$a.C.POM = 1-(param$a.O.POM+param$a.H.POM+param$a.N.POM+param$a.P.POM)

Next, we construct a composition matrix containing all the involved substances and organisms.

NH4    <- c(H      = 4,                   # molH/molNH4
            N      = 1,                   # molN/molNH4
            charge = 1)                   # chargeunits/molNH4
NO3    <- c(O      = 3,                   # molO/molNO3
            N      = 1,                   # molN/molNO3
            charge = -1)                  # chargeunits/molNO3
HPO4   <- c(O      = 4,                   # molO/molHPO4
            H      = 1,                   # molH/molHPO4
            P      = 1,                   # molP/molHPO4
            charge = -2)                  # chargeunits/molHPO4
HCO3   <- c(C      = 1,                   # molC/molHCO3
            O      = 3,                   # molO/molHCO3
            H      = 1,                   # molH/molHCO3
            charge = -1)                  # chargeunits/molHCO3
O2     <- c(O      = 2)                   # molO/molO2
H      <- c(H      = 1,                   # molH/molH
            charge = 1)                   # chargeunits/molH
H2O    <- c(O      = 1,                   # molO/molH2O
            H      = 2)                   # molH/molH2O
ALG    <- c(C      = param$a.C.ALG/12,    # molC/gALG
            O      = param$a.O.ALG/16,    # molO/gALG
            H      = param$a.H.ALG,       # molH/gALG
            N      = param$a.N.ALG/14,    # molN/gALG
            P      = param$a.P.ALG/31)    # molP/gALG
ZOO    <- c(C      = param$a.C.ZOO/12,    # molC/gZOO
            O      = param$a.O.ZOO/16,    # molO/gZOO
            H      = param$a.H.ZOO,       # molH/gZOO
            N      = param$a.N.ZOO/14,    # molN/gZOO
            P      = param$a.P.ZOO/31)    # molP/gZOO
POM    <- c(C      = param$a.C.POM/12,    # molC/gPOM
            O      = param$a.O.POM/16,    # molO/gPOM
            H      = param$a.H.POM,       # molH/gPOM
            N      = param$a.N.POM/14,    # molN/gPOM
            P      = param$a.P.POM/31)    # molP/gPOM

subst.comp <- list(NH4    = NH4,
                   NO3    = NO3,
                   HPO4   = HPO4,
                   HCO3   = HCO3,
                   O2     = O2,
                   H      = H,
                   H2O    = H2O,
                   ALG    = ALG,
                   ZOO    = ZOO,
                   POM    = POM)

alpha.2 <- calc.comp.matrix(subst.comp)


Next, we define the yields for algae and zooplankton such that death does not require nutrients (note: oxygen content of POM was reduced to avoid need of oxygen).

param$Y.ALG.death = min(1,param$a.N.ALG/param$a.N.POM,param$a.P.ALG/param$a.P.POM)
param$Y.ZOO.death = min(1,param$a.N.ZOO/param$a.N.POM,param$a.P.ZOO/param$a.P.POM)


Finally, we calcualte the stoichiometric coefficients for the involved processes: Growth of algae with ammonium or nitrate as nitrogen sources, growth of zooplankton, and resipiration and death processes for both zooplankton and algae.

# Calculate stoichiometric coefficients of selected processes:

nu.gro.ALG.NH4 <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                    name        = "gro.ALG.NH4",
                    subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG"),
                    subst.norm  = "ALG",
                    nu.norm     = 1)

nu.gro.ALG.NO3 <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                    name        = "gro.ALG.NO3",
                    subst       = c("NO3","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG"),
                    subst.norm  = "ALG",
                    nu.norm     = 1)

nu.resp.ALG <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                    name        = "resp.ALG",
                    subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG"),
                    subst.norm  = "ALG",
                    nu.norm     = -1)

nu.death.ALG <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                    name        = "death.ALG",
                    subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","POM"),
                    subst.norm  = "ALG",
                    nu.norm     = -1,
                    constraints = list(c("ALG" = param$Y.ALG.death,
                                         "POM" = 1)))

nu.gro.ZOO <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                    name        = "gro.ZOO",
                    subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
                    subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                    nu.norm     = 1,
                    constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
                                         "ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
                                       c("POM" = 1,
                                         "ALG" = param$f.e)))

nu.resp.ZOO <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                    name        = "resp.ZOO",
                    subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ZOO"),
                    subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                    nu.norm     = -1)

nu.death.ZOO <- 
   calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                    name        = "death.ZOO",
                    subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ZOO","POM"),
                    subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                    nu.norm     = -1,
                    constraints = list(c("ZOO" = param$Y.ZOO.death,
                                         "POM" = 1)))

nu.2 <- rbind(nu.gro.ALG.NH4,

To conclude, study the following (correct or incorrect) examples of calls to the function ‘calc.stoich.coef’ and the corresponding outputs.

# Correct stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:

round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                      name        = "gro.ZOO",
                      subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
                      subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                      nu.norm     = 1,
                      constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
                                           "ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
                                         c("POM" = 1,
                                           "ALG" = param$f.e))),3)
# Missing constraint error for the stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:

round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                      name        = "gro.ZOO",
                      subst       = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
                      subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                      nu.norm     = 1,
                      constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
                                           "ALG" = param$Y.ZOO))),3)
# Too many substances error for the stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:

round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                      name        = "groZOO",
                      subst       = c("NH4","NO3","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
                      subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                      nu.norm     = 1,
                      constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
                                           "ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
                                         c("POM" = 1,
                                           "ALG" = param$f.e))),3)
# Missing substance error for the stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:

round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha       = alpha.2,
                      name        = "groZOO",
                      subst       = c("HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
                      subst.norm  = "ZOO",
                      nu.norm     = 1,
                      constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
                                           "ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
                                         c("POM" = 1,
                                           "ALG" = param$f.e))),3)

Task 3: Homework: Extend the process stoichiometry to sulfur

Extend the process model implemented in task 2 to the consideration of sulfur (S), assuming the same content of 0.3% of S in algae, zooplankton and particulate organic matter (decrease the carbon content by 0.3%) and the uptake and release of sulfur in the form of sulfate \(SO_4^{2-}\) (release may also be in the form of hydrogen sulfide, \(H_2S\), which later is oxidized to sulfate; we aggregate these processes).

Theory questions

  1. How do you find out, whether you need additional constraints to elemental mass balance and charge? What could be a drawback of the simplified approach to this question?

  2. Where to get the required additional constraints from (if needed)?

  3. Why do we add \(H^+\), but not \(OH^-\) to the compounds considered for the calculation of stoichiometric coefficients?