Understand the concepts of stoichiometric calculations introduced in section 4.3.
Be able to do stoichiometric calculations based on the general
solution of stoichiometric equations (section 4.3.3) using the R package
Learn to be attentive to the results and to error messages and to correct the code accordingly (execute the code piece by piece and proceed only if the results are as expected and everything was correct).
Study the implementation of the simple stoichiometry of algae growth
as formulated in exercise 1 based on the
# load required packages:
if ( !require("stoichcalc") ) {install.packages("stoichcalc"); library(stoichcalc) }
To use the stoichcalc-package, we first need to construct a composition matrix.
HPO4 <- c(P = 1) # gP/gHPO4-P
ALG <- c(P = 0.01) # gP/gALG
subst.comp <- list(HPO4 = HPO4,
alpha.1 <- calc.comp.matrix(subst.comp)
Next, we use the function calc.stoich.coef
to calculate
the stoichiometric coefficients of the processes that describe growth
and respiration of algae.
nu.gro.ALG <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.1,
name = "growth.ALG",
subst = c("HPO4","ALG"),
subst.norm = "ALG",
nu.norm = 1)
nu.resp.ALG <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.1,
name = "resp.ALG",
subst = c("HPO4","ALG"),
subst.norm = "ALG",
nu.norm = -1)
nu.1 <- rbind(nu.gro.ALG,
Study the implementation of the stoichiometry of a process model of algae and zooplankton growth, respiration and death given below.
First we set the parameter values:
# Complex stoichiometry
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
param <- list(a.O.ALG = 0.50, # gO/gALG
a.H.ALG = 0.07, # gH/gALG
a.N.ALG = 0.06, # gN/gALG
a.P.ALG = 0.005, # gP/gALG
a.O.ZOO = 0.50, # gO/gZOO
a.H.ZOO = 0.07, # gH/gZOO
a.N.ZOO = 0.06, # gN/gZOO
a.P.ZOO = 0.01, # gP/gZOO
a.O.POM = 0.40, # gO/gPOM
a.H.POM = 0.07, # gH/gPOM
a.N.POM = 0.04, # gN/gPOM
a.P.POM = 0.007, # gP/gPOM
Y.ZOO = 0.2, # gZOO/gALG
f.e = 0.4) # gPOM/gALG
# choose carbon fractions to guarantee that the fractions sum to unity:
param$a.C.ALG = 1-(param$a.O.ALG+param$a.H.ALG+param$a.N.ALG+param$a.P.ALG)
param$a.C.ZOO = 1-(param$a.O.ZOO+param$a.H.ZOO+param$a.N.ZOO+param$a.P.ZOO)
param$a.C.POM = 1-(param$a.O.POM+param$a.H.POM+param$a.N.POM+param$a.P.POM)
Next, we construct a composition matrix containing all the involved substances and organisms.
NH4 <- c(H = 4, # molH/molNH4
N = 1, # molN/molNH4
charge = 1) # chargeunits/molNH4
NO3 <- c(O = 3, # molO/molNO3
N = 1, # molN/molNO3
charge = -1) # chargeunits/molNO3
HPO4 <- c(O = 4, # molO/molHPO4
H = 1, # molH/molHPO4
P = 1, # molP/molHPO4
charge = -2) # chargeunits/molHPO4
HCO3 <- c(C = 1, # molC/molHCO3
O = 3, # molO/molHCO3
H = 1, # molH/molHCO3
charge = -1) # chargeunits/molHCO3
O2 <- c(O = 2) # molO/molO2
H <- c(H = 1, # molH/molH
charge = 1) # chargeunits/molH
H2O <- c(O = 1, # molO/molH2O
H = 2) # molH/molH2O
ALG <- c(C = param$a.C.ALG/12, # molC/gALG
O = param$a.O.ALG/16, # molO/gALG
H = param$a.H.ALG, # molH/gALG
N = param$a.N.ALG/14, # molN/gALG
P = param$a.P.ALG/31) # molP/gALG
ZOO <- c(C = param$a.C.ZOO/12, # molC/gZOO
O = param$a.O.ZOO/16, # molO/gZOO
H = param$a.H.ZOO, # molH/gZOO
N = param$a.N.ZOO/14, # molN/gZOO
P = param$a.P.ZOO/31) # molP/gZOO
POM <- c(C = param$a.C.POM/12, # molC/gPOM
O = param$a.O.POM/16, # molO/gPOM
H = param$a.H.POM, # molH/gPOM
N = param$a.N.POM/14, # molN/gPOM
P = param$a.P.POM/31) # molP/gPOM
subst.comp <- list(NH4 = NH4,
NO3 = NO3,
HPO4 = HPO4,
HCO3 = HCO3,
O2 = O2,
H = H,
H2O = H2O,
alpha.2 <- calc.comp.matrix(subst.comp)
Next, we define the yields for algae and zooplankton such that death does not require nutrients (note: oxygen content of POM was reduced to avoid need of oxygen).
param$Y.ALG.death = min(1,param$a.N.ALG/param$a.N.POM,param$a.P.ALG/param$a.P.POM)
param$Y.ZOO.death = min(1,param$a.N.ZOO/param$a.N.POM,param$a.P.ZOO/param$a.P.POM)
Finally, we calcualte the stoichiometric coefficients for the involved processes: Growth of algae with ammonium or nitrate as nitrogen sources, growth of zooplankton, and resipiration and death processes for both zooplankton and algae.
# Calculate stoichiometric coefficients of selected processes:
nu.gro.ALG.NH4 <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "gro.ALG.NH4",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG"),
subst.norm = "ALG",
nu.norm = 1)
nu.gro.ALG.NO3 <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "gro.ALG.NO3",
subst = c("NO3","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG"),
subst.norm = "ALG",
nu.norm = 1)
nu.resp.ALG <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "resp.ALG",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG"),
subst.norm = "ALG",
nu.norm = -1)
nu.death.ALG <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "death.ALG",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","POM"),
subst.norm = "ALG",
nu.norm = -1,
constraints = list(c("ALG" = param$Y.ALG.death,
"POM" = 1)))
nu.gro.ZOO <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "gro.ZOO",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
subst.norm = "ZOO",
nu.norm = 1,
constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
"ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
c("POM" = 1,
"ALG" = param$f.e)))
nu.resp.ZOO <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "resp.ZOO",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ZOO"),
subst.norm = "ZOO",
nu.norm = -1)
nu.death.ZOO <-
calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "death.ZOO",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ZOO","POM"),
subst.norm = "ZOO",
nu.norm = -1,
constraints = list(c("ZOO" = param$Y.ZOO.death,
"POM" = 1)))
nu.2 <- rbind(nu.gro.ALG.NH4,
To conclude, study the following (correct or incorrect) examples of calls to the function ‘calc.stoich.coef’ and the corresponding outputs.
# Correct stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:
round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "gro.ZOO",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
subst.norm = "ZOO",
nu.norm = 1,
constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
"ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
c("POM" = 1,
"ALG" = param$f.e))),3)
# Missing constraint error for the stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:
round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "gro.ZOO",
subst = c("NH4","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
subst.norm = "ZOO",
nu.norm = 1,
constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
"ALG" = param$Y.ZOO))),3)
# Too many substances error for the stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:
round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "groZOO",
subst = c("NH4","NO3","HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
subst.norm = "ZOO",
nu.norm = 1,
constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
"ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
c("POM" = 1,
"ALG" = param$f.e))),3)
# Missing substance error for the stoichiometry of growth of zooplankton:
round(calc.stoich.coef(alpha = alpha.2,
name = "groZOO",
subst = c("HPO4","HCO3","O2","H","H2O","ALG","ZOO","POM"),
subst.norm = "ZOO",
nu.norm = 1,
constraints = list(c("ZOO" = 1,
"ALG" = param$Y.ZOO),
c("POM" = 1,
"ALG" = param$f.e))),3)
Extend the process model implemented in task 2 to the consideration of sulfur (S), assuming the same content of 0.3% of S in algae, zooplankton and particulate organic matter (decrease the carbon content by 0.3%) and the uptake and release of sulfur in the form of sulfate \(SO_4^{2-}\) (release may also be in the form of hydrogen sulfide, \(H_2S\), which later is oxidized to sulfate; we aggregate these processes).
How do you find out, whether you need additional constraints to elemental mass balance and charge? What could be a drawback of the simplified approach to this question?
Where to get the required additional constraints from (if needed)?
Why do we add \(H^+\), but not \(OH^-\) to the compounds considered for the calculation of stoichiometric coefficients?