Science that matters

A list of priorities for the protection of biodiversity

Biodiversity is dwindling rapidly, while measures to protect it are lagging behind the targets. Only one thing can help: utilising scarce resources as efficiently as possible where they are most effective. The “Lanat-3” research project lays the foundation for this with the help of the latest data and AI-supported models. Read more

Foto: Andri Bryner

Impact of high-temperature heat storage on groundwater

Foto: Joulia SA

In a recently launched project, the aquatic research institute Eawag is investigating how the use of borehole thermal energy storage (BTES) affects the surrounding soil, the groundwater and the microorganisms living in it. Read more

Where amphibians feel at home

Foto: Nico Mölg, Eawag

Number, size, surroundings and water level: for the first time, there are quantitative scientific recommendations when it comes to the development of new ecological infrastructures for amphibian  conservation. Read more

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in wastewater

Foto: Natacha Tofield-Pasche, EPFL

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a threat to health worldwide. This makes it all the more important not only to track their spread, but also to recognise trends. Read more

Underwater camera explores microcosms in Lake Zug

Foto: Colette vom Berg, Eawag

The Aquascope underwater camera has been installed in Lake Zug. It is the second permanent measuring station for plankton in Swiss water bodies. Read more

Pesticides in water bodies – there is still work to be done

Foto: Natacha Tofield-Pasche, EPFL

The VSA Water Quality Platform and Eawag have analysed the effects to date of the measures taken under the "Action Plan for Risk Reduction and Sustainable Use of Pesticides" on water quality. Read more

Presenting the new Eawag publication: Changes in Water
The major global challenges cannot be thought about, investigated and solved without considering water as a connecting element. In our complex world, in which numerous crises interact, water-related solutions are needed.
The publication “Changes in Water” illustrates how Eawag contributes to the developments of solutions in the areas of health, cycles, biodiversity and the climate crisis through teaching, consulting, excellent basic and applied research. Order now or browse online.

Foto: Christian Dinkel

Info Day Special 2024  – Register now!
The Info Day on September 3 will present the results of the joint research initiative "Blue-Green Biodiversity" by Eawag and WSL. Interested? You can find the program and registration information here.

Grafik: Shutterstock

Open House Day
Everyone knows it, everyone needs it every day to live. However, very few people know what water is really all about. On 14 September, take a look behind the scenes at Eawag - one of the world's leading water research institutes. Read more

Foto: Christoph Vorburger, Eawag

Jozef wins the Lush Young Researcher Prize
Researchers at Eawag are working to develop alternatives to experiments on animals - including biochemist Barbara Jozef. She was honoured with the Young Researcher Prize from the cosmetics company Lush. Read more

Foto: Christoph Vorburger, Eawag

Two new assistant professors
Cornelia Twining and Barbora Trubenová have been appointed assistant professors at the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich by the ETH Board. This involves a position as group leader at Eawag for both of them. Read more

Foto: Christoph Vorburger, Eawag

Three water stakeholders become Blue Community
The Swiss Water Association (VSA), Eawag and Hunziker Betatech AG HBT recognise water as a public good and a human right, commit to tap water and become a Blue Community. Read more

Foto: Christoph Vorburger, Eawag

Eawag at the centre of international WASH efforts
Two international conferences were held at Eawag in Dübendorf. The Global WASH Cluster Meeting and the Emergency Environmental Health Forum. Read more

Foto: Empa

Eawag in the media
The media regularly report on our research. You can find the most interesting articles from print media, radio and television here.

03.09.2024, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Identifying, preserving and promoting blue-green biodiversity
Info Day Special 2024, Eawag Dübendorf

14.09.2024, 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Open House Day
Dübendorf, Empa-Eawag Campus

In our Agenda you will find further events of Eawag.

Biodiversität zwischen Wasser und Land
Exkursionen zu Gewässern, Mooren und Auen in der Schweiz
(Book in German only)

Politradar Wasser Nr. 41,
Juli 2024
Kurze Hinweise zur nationalen und kantonalen Wasserpolitik, ab und zu mit Blicken in die Nachbarländer oder zur EU.
Subscribe to Politradar Wasser
(in German only)

Grüne Städte: Die Natur als Partnerin
BAFU-Magazin «die umwelt» 2/2024
(In German, French and Italian)

Wirkungskontrolle mit PIT-Tagging
Erhebungs- und Bewertungsgrundlage für die Wirkungskontrolle von Fischaufstiegshilfen
(In German only)

Scientific publications from Eawag can be found on DORA Eawag.

Cover picture: Technicians Andreas Taverna and Danina Schmidt from the Eawag Fish Ecology and Evolution research department in Kastanienbaum take water samples in Lake Lucerne from the Eawag research vessel "Perca". To do this, they slowly lower a Schroeder flask to 20 metres and quickly raise it again. A defined amount of water collects in the bottle per metre of water depth. These composite samples can be used to collect important data on algae composition, for example, and thus analyse the productivity of the lake.  

You can find more articles on our News Portal.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please send us an e-mail to
or visit our website

Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology

Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf

The texts and photos credited as “Eawag” on the linked websites are subject to the Creative Commons “Attribution 4.0 International” licence. As long as the source is indicated, this material may be freely copied, redistributed and modified. Further information on the licence.