The latest news from Eawag

Joanna Houska at the award ceremony with Prof. Thomas Ternes, at the Annual Meeting of the German Water Chemistry Society in Limburg (photo: Nina Hermes, BfG).
Prize-winning thesis: oxidation done properly!
July 17, 2024

Environmental chemist Joanna Houska has received an award for her doctoral thesis from the German Water Chemistry Society. She conducted her research at Eawag and EPFL, demonstrating both theoretically and experimentally how oxidative water treatment using ozone or chlorine can be more efficiently utilized when there is a precise understanding of the organic substances dissolved in the water to be treated.

With the Global WASH Cluster Meeting and the Emergency Environmental Health Forum, two international conferences are held at Eawag (Photo: Eawag, Peter Penicka).
Eawag at the centre of international WASH efforts
May 17, 2024

Two international conferences are currently being held at Eawag in Dübendorf: the Global WASH Cluster Meeting and the Emergency Environmental Health Forum. Both are aimed at strengthening and focusing collaboration and international efforts on the topics of water, sanitation and hygiene in a humanitarian context.

Christian Stamm (Member of the Eawag Directorate), Benjamin Lüthi (Member of the Management Board of Hunziker Betatech AG HBT) and VSA Director Stefan Hasler receive the Blue Community certificate (from left, Photo: VSA).
Three important water stakeholders become a Blue ...
May 15, 2024

The Swiss Water Association (VSA), Eawag and Hunziker Betatech AG HBT recognise water as a public good and a human right, commit to tap water and become a Blue Community. At the same time, Blue Community Switzerland is joining forces with the Solidarit'eau Suisse network and utilising synergies. The VSA now runs the Blue Community Switzerland office together with partners.

Revision of the Plant Protection Products Ordinance: ...
April 3, 2024

Eawag and the Ecotox Centre welcome a total revision of the Plant Protection Products Ordinance (PPPO). However, the two institutes are calling for improvements on important points, such as the adoption of EU authorisations or the precautionary principle. The ordinance must ensure that other regulations such as the Water Protection or the Environmental Protection Act are not undermined.