Joint Professorships and Lecturers

Through joint professorships and lecturers at ETH Zurich and EPFL, national and international universities and universities of applied sciences, Eawag can expand its professional expertise, promote knowledge transfer and advance networking in the focal area of its research. In this way, it contributes substantially to academic education in Switzerland.

Last name First name Function Institution Eawag Department
ETH Domain
Ackermann Martin Full professor ETH Zurich & EPFL, Microbial Systems Ecology Directorate
Dubois Nathalie Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Paleolimnology Surface Waters
Hofstetter Thomas Senior Lecturer ETH Zurich, Environmental Systems Science Environmental Chemistry
Hollender Juliane Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Environmental Chemistry Environmental Chemistry
Janssen Elisabeth Senior Lecturer ETHZ, Environmental Systems Sciences (USYS) Environmental Chemistry
Jimenez-Martinez Joaquin Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering  Water Resources & Drinking Water
Jokela Jukka Full professor ETH Zurich, Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Ecology
Julian Timothy Senior Lecturer ETH Zurich,, Environmental Microbiology Environmental Microbiology
Kipfer Rolf Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics Water Resources & Drinking Water
Leitao Joao Paulo Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering  Urban Water Management
Lienert Judit Senior Lecturer ETH Zurich, Environmental Science (USYS) Environmental Social Sciences
Lüthi Christoph Senior Lecturer EPFL, Civil and Environmental Engineering Sandec
Maurer Max Full professor ETH Zurich, Urban Water Systems Urban Water Management
Morgenroth Eberhard Full professor ETH Zurich, Process Engineering in Urban Water Management Process Engineering
Pomati Francesco Senior Lecturer University of Zurich, Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Ecology
Robinson Christopher Senior Lecturer University of Zurich, Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Ecology
Schirmer Kristin Adjunct professor EPFL, Civil and Environmental Engineering & ETH Zurich, Environmental Science Umwelttoxikologie
Schubert Carsten Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Environmental Science Surface Waters
Schuwirth Nele Senior Lecturer ETH Zurich, Environmental Science Systems Analysis & Modelling
Spaak Pieter Senior Lecturer University of Zurich, Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Ecology
Trubenova Barbora Assistant professorship ETHZ, Pathogen Evolution, Environmental Systems Sciences (DUSYS) Aquatic Ecology
Twining Cornelia Assistant professorship ETHZ, Food Network Ecophysioogy, Environmental Systems Sciences (DUSYS) Fish Ecology & Evolution
Udert Kai Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering  Process Engineering
Von Gunten Urs Full professor EPFL, Laboratory for Water, Quality dn Treatment Water Resources & Drinking Water
Vorburger Christoph Adjunct professor ETH Zurich, Evolutionary ecology Aquatic Ecology
Winkel Lenny Associate professor ETH Zurich, Inorganic environmental geochemistry Water Resources & Drinking Water
Zurbrügg Christian Senior Lecturer ETH Zurich, Urban water management Sandec
Cantonal Universities
Altermatt Florian Full professor University of Zurich, Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Ecology
Bouffard Damien Associate professor University Lausanne, Aquatic physics Surface Waters
Damm-Reiser Alexander Associate professor University of Zurich, Remote Sensing of Water Systems Surface Waters
Fenner Kathrin Full professor University of Zurich, Environmental Chemistry Environmental Chemistry
Fischer Manuel Adjunct professor University of Bern, Political Science Environmental Social Sciences
Ingold Karin Full professor University of Bern, Political Science Environmental Social Sciences
Schilling Oliver Assistant professor University of Basel, Hydrogeology Water Resources & Drinking Water
Schirmer Mario Adjunct professor University of Neuchâtel, Hydrogeology Water Resources & Drinking Water
Seehausen Ole Full professor University of Berne, Ecology and Evolution Fish Ecology & Evolution
International Universities
Feser Daniel Senior Lecturer EBC Hochschule Hamburg Deutschland, Internationale Ökonomie und / Marketing Environmental Social Sciences
Larsen Tove Adjunct professor Technical University of Denmark Urban Water Management
Lüthi Christoph Senior Lecturer UNESCO IHE Delft (Netherlands) Sandec
Marks Sara Jane Adjunct professor University of Victoria (CA), Civil Engineering Sandec
Melian Carlos Honorary professor University of Alcala (Spain) Fish Ecology & Evolution
Müller Marc Adjunct professor University of Notre Dame, Indiana (USA) Systems Analysis & Modelling
Truffer Bernhard Full professor University of Utrecht (Netherlands) Environmental Social Sciences
Zurbrügg Christian Adjunct professor Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sandec
Universities of appliced sciences
Langer Miriam Full professor University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Ecotoxicology Ecotox Centre