Eawag Committees

Analytical Committee of Eawag (Anacom)

Chemical analysis is concerned with the identification and quantitation of chemical substances. In view of the specific requirements and projects within the research sectors, these activities are distributed across various research departments at Eawag. The Anacom advises management on the development of chemical analysis at Eawag and coordinates activities in this area.


Heinz Singer Senior scientist / group leader Tel. +41 58 765 5577 Send Mail

Doctoral Studies Committee

At Eawag, some 150 doctoral students are completing their training. These studies are carried out in close cooperation with the higher education institutions that award doctorates. The Doctoral Studies Committee oversees the various support programmes for PhD students, offers assistance for supervisors and provides a forum for PhD-related concerns.


Eawag Diversity Committee

The Diversity Committee focuses on the issues of equality and equal opportunities for women and men, all cultures and all ages .


Dr. Nele Schuwirth Head of Department and Group Leader (she/her) Tel. +41 58 765 5528 Send Mail

Staff council

The staff council of Eawag represents the interests of the personnel, in particular in case of revsions of statutes and regulations. The commission deals with topics like the new salary system (NLS) or the reform of the pension fund Publica. It will also protect the interests of the Eawag staff in case of reorganisations or other profound changes.


PD Dr. Judit Lienert Group Leader, Group: DA Tel. +41 58 765 5574 Send Mail

Ecology Team

The Ecology Team ensures a sustainable operation of Eawag by:

  • Conserving resources - ensuring Eawag employees act in an environmentally conscious way
  • Networking – providing a platform for information and coordination of eco-policy and eco-action
  • Playing a role model – providing leadership and motivation for environmental protection and sustainable development
  • Concrete action – developing strategies and action plans and providing support during their implementation


Dionys Hallenbarter Sustainability Officer Tel. +41 58 765 5125 Send Mail

Safety and Risk Management Committee

All safety officers and officers of the internal control system (ICS) are active members of the Safety and Risk Management Committee. The Safety and Risk Management Committee is responsible for safety oversight, compliance and training.  The committee disseminates information, ensures that experience is shared and makes an annual risk report to the Directorate.


Dr. Matthias Nagel Risk Manager Tel. +41 58 765 4770 Send Mail