
Eawag is the Aquatic Research Institute of the ETH Domain with two sites in Dübendorf ZH and Kastanienbaum in LU. Its interdisciplinary research focusses on how we can use water while keeping it clean and its ecosystems healthy.

Find out more about Eawag

Information for the media

The communications team informs national and international media and the interested public about Eawag’s research, teaching and consultancy. We are available for information and enquiries and will be happy to put you in touch with partners.

You can find our news, mostly also with pictures in printable resolution for downloading, under News.

All news texts as well as photos, graphics and tables marked with “Eawag” may be freely reproduced, disseminated and modified by the general and specialised media, provided the source is acknowledged. Supporting documents (pdf) to are requested.

We are happy to include media representatives in our media distribution list.
To do so, send an e-mail to the address

Name and spelling of Eawag and Media centre

Andri Bryner
Media officer
Tel. +41 58 765 5104
Send Mail
Claudia Carle
Media officer (deputy)
Tel. +41 58 765 5946
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As the aquatic research institute of the ETH Domain, our research is in service of society. You can see this for yourself in our publication “Changes in Water”. The compact overview illustrates how Eawag contributes to the developments of solutions in the areas of health, cycles, biodiversity and the climate crisis through excellent basic research, applied research, teaching and consulting.

Changes in Water

The annual Eawag Info Day is an important platform for exchange between science and practice. The Info Day magazine supplements the event and provides a comprehensive overview of the topic of the Info Day.

See the Info Day magazine