Swiss Groundwater Network CH-GNet

Groundwater under pressure
Groundwater is a valuable resource that must be protected, since in Switzerland ~80% of drinking water is obtained from groundwater (incl. spring water). Particularly powerful groundwater deposits are often located along large river courses, which often represent heavily populated areas of Switzerland, so that conflicts of interest can hardly be avoided. Contamination from various sources, anthropogenic influences on the hydrogeological system, and climate change have a major impact on groundwater quality and quantity. In order to grasp hydrogeological issues and challenges under the pressure of new developments, to develop solutions and measures and to implement them, there is a great need for a continuous competence building, technical support and a smooth Switzerland-wide exchange between research and various stakeholders. To make a significant contribution to this, the CH-GNet network was created.
Cover picture: The river Thur. (Photo: Eawag)