Practice-oriented courses at Eawag (PEAK)

The practice-oriented Eawag courses (PEAK) are designed for specialists from engineering or environmental consultancies, industry, administration, and non-governmental organisations. They provide up-to-date knowledge and promote exchanges among participants and between science and practice.


Tel. +41 58 765 57 65

More information

Programme PEAK

9.00 am
Eawag Dübendorf

PEAK-Basiskurs B34/24

9.00 am
Eawag Dübendorf

PEAK-Vertiefungskurs V52/24

Programme Swiss Centre of Applied Ecotoxicology

The courses offered by the Schweizerischen Zentrums für angewandte Ökotoxikologie operated by Eawag and EPF Lausanne, share expert knowledge and teach professional competencies.

There are currently no events on this topic. In our agenda you will find other events of Eawag

Further practical courses and conferences with Eawag participation

22. - 24.09.​2024,

MOOCs Online

MOOC series - Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development.
Free and continuously running online courses of the Department Sandec and EPFL.

General information

  • Foundation-level courses PEAK B teach the basics and provide an up-to-date overview of a specific topic.
  • Consolidation-level courses PEAK V are aimed at experts and provide an overall view of the topic using concrete examples and case studies.
  • Practical application courses PEAK A teach the participants practical methods of determining and evaluating environmental indicators.

The courses are generally one to two days long and include lectures, practical exercises or group work. Each course is a stand-alone unit that can be taken irrespective of other courses. Written notes are provided for all courses. The fees include VAT and course material. The registration forms for the courses are published online together with the annual programme. An invitation is sent along to potential participants three months before the start of a course. Most of the courses take place at the Eawag premises in Dübendorf or Kastanienbaum or are sometimes offered online.

Cover picture: Eawag course instructor Christine Weber in conversation with participants of the PEAK course "Impact monitoring of revitalisation - riparian vegetation". (Photo: Eawag, Dominic Bruegger/Bruam GmbH)