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Eawag in the year 2022

May 11, 2023 | Annette Ryser

The aquatic research institute Eawag has published its latest annual report and looks back on the year 2022. Water is at the heart of the most important environmental issues.

In 2022, Eawag continued on its course as an internationally renowned environmental research institute with strong Swiss roots. On the one hand, this is to the credit of Prof. Janet Hering. She led and shaped the aquatic research institute as director for 16 years and retired at the end of 2022. On the other hand, of course, all of the other 511 employees from 42 nations also contributed to this. A good 300 of them are directly involved in science.

Together in 2022, they have:

  • authored 482 scientific and 110 practice-oriented publications,
  • participated in 159 national and 107 international commissions,
  • lectured for 5,700 hours at national and international universities,
  • supervised 188 bachelor and master theses,
  • received 11 prestigious awards,
  • trained 23 apprentices,
  • and worked to promote equality and diversity in the workforce.

Water is central to many environmental issues. Eawag also needs strong research partners to tackle the major challenges of our time. Climate change, changes in land utilisation, urbanisation and biodiversity loss affect not only the environment, but also all areas of our lives. Close cooperation with institutions within and outside the ETH Domain also allowed Eawag in 2022 to bring together relevant scientific perspectives, use modern methods including data-driven and computational approaches and become even more involved in the innovation process for environmental solutions.

You can read more facts, figures and exciting stories from research, teaching and consulting in the current annual report. It can be browsed online or ordered as a printed copy.

View the annual report

Cover picture: In close exchange with various universities in Switzerland and abroad, Eawag is committed to the education of undergraduate and doctoral students in natural, engineering and social sciences. In 2022, Eawag employees supervised 149 doctoral theses – such as that of Dorothee Kurz. In collaboration with ETH Zurich, the engineer in Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez’s research group is investigating how bacteria form biofilms in soils and groundwater aquifers. To do this, she works with simplified models that simulate the natural environment. (Photo: Eawag, Alessandro Della Bella)