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Janet Hering awarded title of Geochemical Fellow 2018

March 13, 2018 | Deborah Kunz

The Geochemical Society and the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG) have awarded Janet Hering, Director of Eawag and Professor in Environmental Biogeochemistry at ETH Zurich and Environmental Chemistry at EPFL, the title of Geochemical Fellow.

Janet Hering received the accolade for her track record as an internationally respected scientist from the EAG, an international platform that promotes geochemical research. An expert in biogeochemistry, Janet Hering has published ground-breaking work on technologies for drinking water purification, and on how science and politics can join forces to achieve sustainable water resource management. The official presentation of the title will take place in August 2018 at the Goldschmidt Conference in Boston, USA.