News Detail

Eawag Researchers take part in the 200-year anniversary of the Swiss Academy of Sciences in Lucerne

August 13, 2015 | Anke Poiger

The Swiss Academy of Sciences, together with ca. 150 organizations in 12 Swiss cities, is presenting a variety of insights into the world of the natural sciences in the tour “Research live”.

The tour is taking place between June and October, and Eawag was present on August 6, 2015. Working together with the Naturmuseum Luzern, two experts in fish ecology and river restoration presented a stand on the Lucerne Mühleplatz with the theme fish migration. A researcher from the group Drinking Water Microbiology, and a member of the water supply company EWL led a guided tour of the Trinkwasserwerk Kreuzbuch, ending with a presentation about Eawag’s drinking water research. The unusually high temperatures and the fact that it is school vacation time in Lucerne made it difficult to attract the public. Everyone who attended, on the other hand, enjoyed the exchange with the researchers very much.

The SCNAT exhibition «Insights» illustrates the importance of natural scientific research. An Eawag video on lakes as a significant thermal energy source (German) will be shown during the exhibition.