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Golden Owl of the VSETH for Martin Ackermann

November 27, 2015 | Anke Poiger

Martin Ackermann, Professor of Molecular Microbial Ecology at ETH Zurich and department head at Eawag, was presented the Golden Owl of the Association of Students at the ETH  (VSETH) at this year’s ETH Day.

The Golden Owl honors lecturers who have provided “exceptional teaching and motivates them to continue in this way”.  All ETH-members with teaching assignment can be nominated for the Golden Owl. One lecturer per department and year is selected for this honor.

The winners of the Golden Owl 2015 are listed online.

At the ETH Day 2015, Christoph Moschet joined the ranks of award-winning Eawag researchers, receiving the Otto Jaag Water Protection Prize for his PhD thesis entitled “Addressing Blind Spots in the Assessment of Pesticides in Surface Waters: A Complete Screening using Trace-Level Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Complementary Sampling Strategies”. Christoph Moschet is currently engaged as a Postdoc at UC Davis in California, so he will collect his prize in person after his returns in the spring of 2016.