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Presenting the new Eawag publication: Changes in Water

July 2, 2024 | Annette Ryser

As the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, our research is in the service of society. Discover this for yourself in the new publication.

Changes in Water shows how the aquatic research institute is helping to develop solutions in the areas of health, cycles, biodiversity and the climate crisis – in Switzerland and around the world. The various fields of research and activities are clearly illustrated in large graphics.

After all, the major challenges of our time cannot be contemplated, investigated and solved without considering water as a connecting element. No matter how you look at it, the current crises and pressing issues all revolve around water in one form or another.

Humans are feeling the effects of the climate crisis mainly through too much or too little water, while biodiversity is dwindling fastest in freshwater. Clean water is central to human and environmental health and clearly an essential resource that we need to use more sparingly. Not to forget: in countries of the Global South, some problems such as access to safe drinking water and sanitation, which the countries of the North have already overcome, remain a huge challenge.

In our complex world in which numerous crises interact, water-related solutions are therefore needed.

The major global challenges cannot be thought about, investigated and solved without considering water as a connecting element. In our complex world in which numerous crises interact, water-related solutions are needed.

Cover picture: Eawag, Peter Penicka

Original publication

You can now read Changes in Water online or order a printed copy