Cornelia Twining

Why would you encourage girls and young women to work in science?

I think science, especially solution-oriented environmental science like we do at Eawag, needs the participation of women and the inclusion of as many different perspectives as possible. In today’s scientific world, it’s also increasingly normal and expected for women in science to have a balanced life outside of work (including a family if they want it), which used to be more of an obstacle for women compared to men in science. 

What do you particularly like about your work?

I like the intellectual independence and creativity that I have as a scientist. I also really like the sense of community in science, especially at places like Eawag where collaboration is the default.

Who inspired you to pursue a career in science?

My Bachelor’s thesis supervisor and Bachelor’s program secretary helped me discover my path to environmental science by encouraging me to first explore scientific research through as a summer field assistant, then supporting me as an undergraduate thesis researcher doing cross-disciplinary research, and finally guiding me through the process of applying to graduate schools and publishing my first scientific manuscripts. They both had very high expectations for me as undergraduate, but they were also there to help me learn to deal with difficulties when, as often happens, things did not go as planned in my research projects or academic career.

What advice would you give to young women/girls?

I've found that it’s especially important for me and my female colleagues to develop informal support networks. Developing into an independent scientist can be a lonely and challenging endeavor, but having a group of work friends who understand this and are happy to have you vent really helps. Some of my closest friends who I can always turn to for advice are my lab sisters past and present.

What are you particularly proud of in your work?

I’m particularly proud of what I was able to accomplish scientifically during the pandemic during childcare shut downs and while on maternity leave for my two children. I don’t think most people looking at my record would realize that how little working time I actually had between the years 2019-2021. But actually with such limited working hours, I was really able to focus on making sure that the most important things got done, which helped me realize how efficient I could be. 
