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Planning aid for filters with granulated activated carbon

July 20, 2020 | Andri Bryner

In addition to ozonation, filters using granulated activated carbon (GAC) are increasingly being deployed to eliminate trace substances from municipal wastewater. Working in conjunction with authorities and representatives from the field, Eawag has developed a document that will assist stakeholders with planning in relation to such measures.

This news (and the publication) is avilable in German and French.

Pilot tests on GAC filtration at the Muri WTP
(Photo: Eawag)

For Eawag trials, a sand filter cell at ARA Bülach is fed with granulated activated carbon instead of sand.
(Photo: Eawag)

PEAK-VSA course "Activated carbon for the elimination of trace substances – alternate techniques for GAC and PAC"

In addition to this topic, Eawag together with the VSA Platform Process Engineering Micropollutants organize a PEAK-VSA course on 24 November 2020. More information and course registration can be found on the PEAK course page.

Titelbild: Eawag

Original publication

Böhler, M.; Joss, A.; McArdell, C.; Meier, A. (2020) Hinweise zur Planung und Auslegung von diskontinuierlich gespülten GAK-Filtern zur Elimination organischer Spurenstoffe aus kommunalem Abwasser. Konsenspapier zum Ergebnis des Workshops vom 9.12.2019 an der Eawag, 5 p, Institutional Repository