News Detail

First stakeholder workshop in Niger, West Africa in project FANFAR

October 1, 2018

Überschwemmungen sind in Westafrika ein zunehmend ernstes Problem, das sich mit dem Klimawandel verstärken dürfte. Es besteht ein grosser Bedarf an zuverlässigem Zugang zu funktionierenden Vorhersagen von Hochwasserereignissen und Warnmeldungen. Diese sollen von einem robusten, an die regionalen Bedingungen angepassten Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologiesystem (IKT) erzeugt werden, das von leistungsfähigen westafrikanischen Institutionen betrieben wird. Ziel des Projekts FANFAR ist es, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen westafrikanischen und europäischen Hydrologinnen und Hydrologen, IKT-Expertinnen und -Experten, Entscheidungsanalysten und betroffenen Akteuren zu stärken.

The first stakeholder workshop in FANFAR was successfully carried out in Niamey, Niger, from 16. – 20. September 2018. Around 40 decision-makers and stakeholders from 15 West African countries participated. They are responsible for producing and managing flood forecasts, flood alerts, or rescue services. The workshop was organized by one of the West African partners AGRHYMET, together with the Swedish project coordinator SMHI. The decision analysts from the ESS department, Francisco Silva Pinto, Alice Aubert, and Judit Lienert, were in charge of different interventions, aimed at guiding through a structured decision-making process and at better understanding the needs, aims, and daily realities of the participants.

We were highly impressed by the level of engagement of the participants, their aim to improve the conditions in their countries, and their friendliness. We greatly acknowledge that they shared valuable local knowledge on the diverse situations in West Africa with us. Many lively interactions and discussions took place. The workshop is an excellent starting point for improving the technical flood forecast and alert system in such a way that it is better adapted to user needs.