Department Environmental Social Sciences
FANFAR: Reinforced cooperation to provide operational flood forecasting and alerts in West Africa
About the project
Flooding is a rapidly growing concern in West Africa, projected to increase with climate change. It is both a threat and a blessing for human lives, agriculture, and infrastructure. There is a great need for reliable access to operational flood forecasts and alerts produced by a robust information and communication technology (ICT) system adapted to regional conditions and operated by capable West African institutions.
The aim of FANFAR is to reinforce the cooperation between West African and European hydrologists, ICT experts, decision analysts, and end-user communities to provide a co-designed, co-adapted, integrated, and co-operated streamflow forecasting and alert pilot system for West Africa.
End-users will participate in regular workshops and virtual meetings aiming to demonstrate the ICT, define user needs, co-design necessary adaptations, and develop capacity.
Eawag is in charge of Work Package 2: User needs, tests, and behavioural responses
A key objective of FANFAR is to develop relevant technology that responds to the specific needs and preferences of hydro-innovation stakeholders and information end-users in West Africa. Hence, the ICT development is a technical task, but also requires adaptation to user needs. During the ICT development, various decisions will have to be made. These concern, for example, output products, distribution channels, alert levels, data sources, and economic constraints.
To support this, FANFAR will apply Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and approaches from Behavioral Operational Research (BOR). Our main interventions focus on the co-design workshops in West Africa. We will use a framework to guide the West African decision makers and stakeholders through a structured decision-making process. Additionally, we aim at understanding the factors shaping the participants’ responses. The knowledge gained from these processes will help to take into account and synthesize all relevant information. This shall aid technology development decisions and adoption processes aiming to facilitate the sustainable uptake of the ICT flood forecast and alert system in West Africa.
Project partners
FANFAR has six partners
Coordinator: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Sweden.
Eawag team
Project information
Project start: January 2018
Project duration: 3 years
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 780118.