Department Environmental Social Sciences
Tools and websites for practice and the public
Publications in practice outlets
Reber, U., Fischer, M., Ingold, K., Kienast, F., Hersperger, A., Grütter, R. (2021). Die vielen Gesichter der Biodiversitätspolitik. Hotspot – Zeitschrift des Forum Biodiversität.
Ingold, K., Fischer, M., Habegger, H. (2021). Gegner und Befürworter von Projekten leichter erkennen. Schweizer Gemeinde.
Bryner, A., Fischer, M., Angst, M., Vollenweider, S. (2020). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2019. Aqua & Gas.
Fischer, M. & Ingold, K. (2017). Den Politikprozessen auf der Spur. Hotspot 35, 8-9.
Conservation science, policy and diplomacy – Notes from the trenches of transdisciplinary research, session report, Swiss Young Academy (June 19, 2024)
Identifying actor preferences in Swiss water management, blog by Thomas Bolognesi, Eva Lieberherr and Manuel Fischer (September 4, 2024) at Policy & Politics Journal Blog
Mainstreaming innovative water solutions for sustainable cities, blog by christian Binz, Muhil Nesi and Ashley Webb (September 30, 2024) at OneWater Blog
Design Paths of Federal Intergovernmental Cooperation, blog by Simon Montfort, Manuel Fischer, James Hollway and Nicholas W. Jager (April 3,2024) at Policy Studies Journal Blog
Protect water from pesticides by focusing on how people use knowledge, blog by Benjamin Hofmann and Karin Ingold (July 17, 2023) at Water Science Policy
Small green firms beat big polluters in clean shipping negotiations, blog by Benjamin Hofmann (July 12, 2023) at The Loop, ECPR’s Political Science Blog
Towards a theory of change to institutionalise integration experts and expertise, blog by The Aeschiried Integrators (June 6, 2023) at i2Insights
Barriers to evidence use for sustainability: the pesticide case, blog by Benjamin Hofmann and Karin Ingold (Jan 30, 2023) at Knowledge for Policy
Hürden für eine evidenzbasierte Pflanzenschutzmittelpolitik und -praxis [in German], blog by Benjamin Hofmann, Karin Ingold, Christian Stamm Robert Finger and Sabine Hoffmann (November 25, 2022) at Agrarpolitik
Integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research: how can the leadership challenges be addressed?, blog post by Lisa Deutsch and Sabine Hoffmann (February 14, 2023) at i2Insights
Geht das, verschiedene Perspektiven für eine Nachhaltigkeitstransformation unter einen Hut zu bekommen? – Einblicke in den Ansatz „Theory of Change“ [in German], blog by Lisa Deutsch and Sabine Hoffmann (June 8, 2022) at Soziale Ökologie
How to co-design a flood early warning system (FEWS) for West Africa, blog by Judit Lienert, Martijn Kuller and Daniel Hofmann (October 17, 2022) at Water Science Policy
App helps with difficult decisions, Interview by Barbara Vonarburg with Judit Lienert, Eawag News April, 2022
How can social network analysis benefit transdisciplinary research?, blog by Leonard Späth, Rea Pärli and the RUNRES project team (September 9, 2021) at i2Insights
COVID-19 in der Schweiz – eine netzwerkanalytische Perspektive [in German], blog by Karin Ingold and Manuel Fischer
With complex problems, decisions made from gut instinct can be quite wrong. Interview with Judit Lienert, Eawag News, April 2019.
Sustainable water infrastructure planning for an uncertain future [in German], Eawag News, April 2014.
Im Untergrund drohen Wasserlecks [in German]. Article by Anita Vonmont in Wissenschaftsmagazin (February 22, 2014).
White papers, reports, policy briefs, workshop reports
Binz, C., Sedlak, D., O’Callaghan, P., Truffer, B., Nesi, M., Morgenroth, E., Lesch, D., Miörner, J., Maurer, M., Narayan, A., Schelbert, V., Lüthi, C., Aalbu, S., Wellauer, S. (2024). White paper on Mainstreaming Decentralized Urban Water Management Solutions for Sustainable Cities. Eawag, Dübendorf.
Dettwiler, D., Deutsch, L. and Hoffmann, S. (2024) Action guide. Strategies to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinarity in your research organization. Eawag, Dübendorf.
Wainaina, G.K., Lüthi, C., Deutsch, L., Narayan, A.S., van Welie, M., Cherunya, P.C., Hoffmann, S. (2023) Planning to transform: How to increase the effectiveness of infrastructure interventions in slums. Wings Knowledge Brief No. 2. Eawag, Dübendorf
Umfrage zu Infrastrukturprojekten in ihrer Gemeinde im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
Deutsch, L., Hoffmann, S. (2021) Developing Theories of Change for supporting transformations in the urban water sector. Lessons learned from an inter- and transdisciplinary research program Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences: td-net toolbox for co-producing knowledge, Practice Report.
Newsletter – Studie der Schweizer Auengebiete Mai 2021
Lienert, J., Andersson, J., Hofmann, D., Silva Pinto, F., Kuller, M. (2020) Report on the co-design workshops in FANFAR to create a flood forecast and alert system for West Africa. Deliverable D2.2. Eawag (Dübendorf, Switzerland) and FANFAR Consortium.
Beutler, P., Lienert, J. (2020) Zukünftige Abwasserentsorgung im ländlichen Raum – Synthese zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in den Fallstudien im Solothurner Jura. Abschlussbericht. [Future wastewater management in rural regions – Synthesis decision support in the case studies in the Jura region, canton Solothurn. Final report]. Eawag, Dübendorf.
Narayan, A.S., Deutsch, L., Hoffmann, S., Pearce, B.J. (2020): Decentralisation: Are we on the same page? An interdisciplinary Workshop Brief, No. 1, Eawag, Dübendorf (in DORA)
Beutler, P., Larsen, T., Maurer, M., Staufer, P., Würsten, M., Lienert, J. (2020). Future wastewater management in rural regions – case study 2. Final report for the municipality. Dübendorf: Eawag Abteilung Umweltsozialwissenschaften (ESS) Cluster Entscheidungsanalyse.
Understanding the enabling environmetn for on-site non-potable reuse
Characterizing non-technical barriers for on-site alternative water systems, article summary
Institutional complexity. Navigating diverse perspectives in the adoption of on-siter water reuse, article summary
Beutler P., Lienert, J. (2019) Future wastewater management in rural regions – case study 1. Final report for the municipality. Dübendorf: Eawag
Beutler P., Lienert, J. (2019) Future wastewater management in rural regions – case study 1. Technical report to support decision-making for the municipality. Dübendorf: Eawag.
Workshops with stakeholders or public in projects
Transformation in Pesticide Governance (TRAPEGO)
Entscheidungsfindung beim Übergang von zentralen zu alternativen Systemen in der Abwasserentsorgung
INSIGHTS – Lessons learned for engaging at science-society interfaces
Practical decision analysis for value-focused planning of wastewater infrastructures
TREBRIDGE – Transformation toward resilient ecosystems: Bridging natural and social sciences
The Jurapark Aargau as Real-World Lab for Sustainable Development
Engage – Evidence-based dialogue on trade-offs in wicked societal problems
EXPLORE - Integration at the interface between science, policy and practice
SCENE - Swiss Center of Excellence on Net-Zero Emissions
Swiss Young Academy Project “Innovative teaching formats at the science-society interface
Mainstreaming Decentralized Urban Water Management Solutions for Sustainable Cities. Synthesis Report on an international expert workshop held at Eawag in June 2023. Eawag, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Lighthouse Initiatives in the Urban Water & Sanitation sector. An intergrative Assessment of Lighthouse Initiatives for Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Systems (DUWTRS)
Stopping biodiversity loss in waterbodies – despite climate change
BlueGreenNet: Social-ecological networks to enhance biodiversity in peri-urban regions
GreenCityNet: Social-ecological networks to enhance biodiversity in urban green areas