Department Environmental Social Sciences

EXPLORE - Integration at the interface between science, policy and practice

The project EXPLORE focuses on understanding how inter- and transdisciplinary integration occurs at the interface of research, policy, and practice, using the BGB Initiative as an empirical case study.

Project description

This project contributes to the implementation phase of the Blue Green Biodiversity Research Initiative  – an Eawag-WSL collaboration focusing on Biodiversity at the interface of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.



The project focuses on understanding how inter- and transdisciplinary integration occurs at the interface of research, policy, and practice, using the BGB Initiative as an empirical case study.

As part of a broader effort within the Inter- and Transdisciplinary (ITD) research group, this project analyzes how integration is structured at both program and project levels. Through accompanying research, participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and co-creation workshops, the research identifies challenges, opportunities, and strategies that foster integration. Additionally, the project places a strong emphasis on the experiences of early-career researchers working at the interface of research, policy, and practice, exploring the unique challenges they face and identifying strategies to support their academic development.

This project contributes to a deeper understanding of how to effectively integrate diverse fields of expertise. The project not only advances inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge within the BGB Initiative but also provides practical guidelines for designing and implementing future research projects that address urgent biodiversity challenges.