Sabine Hoffmann

About Me
I lead the Inter- and Transdisciplinary (ITD) research group in the Environmental Social Sciences (ESS) department at Eawag. I am affiliated as Associate to the Transdisciplinary Lab (TdLab) in the Department Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH Zürich).I graduated from the University of Bayreuth with a Master of Science in Geoecology (1997), received a Master of Advanced Studies in Development and Cooperation from ETH Zurich (2001) and a PhD in Development Studies from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (2010). My research focuses on integration and integrative leadership in large inter- and transdisciplinary research programs in both theory and practice. For my work within the Swiss National Research Program (NRP 61), I was awarded with the Swiss Academies Award for Transdisciplinary Research for leading one NRP 61 synthesis process and concurrently studying integration within all four synthesis processes.
I am elected member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Network for Transdisciplinarity (td-net) and head of the International ITD Alliance Working Group on Integration Experts and Expertise. Prior to my PhD, I worked as a development consultant for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the International Secretariat for Water (ISW) in Bolivia, Central and Eastern Europe.
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Phone: | +41 58 765 6818 |
Fax: | +41 58 765 5802 |
Address: | Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133 8600 Dübendorf |
Office: | FC E10 |