
Brian Sinnet

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About Me


  1. Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Ort C, Sinnet B, Thalmann B, Krismer J, Hagendorfer H, Elumelu M, Mueller E, Fate and transformation of silver nanoparticles in urban wastewater systems, Water Reserach, 2013;47(12): 3866–3877
  2. Hagendorfer H, Kaegi R, Parlinska M, Sinnet B, Ludwig C, Ulrich A. Characterization of Silver Nanoparticle Products Using Asymmetric Flow   Field Flow Fractionation with a Multidetector Approach - a Comparison to   Transmission Electron Microscopy and Batch Dynamic Light Scattering. Anal. Chem. 2012;84(6):2678–2685.
  3. Hagendorfer H, Lorenz C, Kaegi R,Sinnet R, et al. Size-fractionated characterization and quantification of nanoparticle release rates from a consumer spray product containing engineered nanoparticles. J. Nanoparticle Res. 2010;12(7):2481–2494.
  4. Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Sinnet B, et al. Behavior of Metallic Silver Nanoparticles in a Pilot Wastewater Treatment Plant. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011;49(9):3902 – 3908.[cited2011Oct4]
  5. Kaegi R, Sinnet B, Zuleeg S, et al. Release of silver nanoparticles from outdoor facades. Environ. Pollut. 2010;158(9):2900–2905.[cited2011Oct4]
  6. Kaegi R, Ulrich A, Sinnet B, et al. Synthetic TiO2 nanoparticle emission from exterior facades into the aquatic environment. Environ. Pollut. 2008;156(2):233–239.[cited2012Mar19]
  7. Kaegi R, Wagner T, Hetzer B, Sinnet B, Tzvetkov G, Boller M. Size, number and chemical composition of nanosized particles in drinking water determined by analytical microscopy and LIBD. Water Res. 2008;42(10-11):2778–2786.[cited2012Mar19]
  8. Pronk W., Sinnet B, Meylan M., Jermann D.and Boller M., Characterization of Nano- and Microparticles in Swiss Surface Waters and their Role in Potable Water Production Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 6(1), 2006, 21-29


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Address: Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Office: BU C17