
Jelger Elings

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About Me

My research focusses on fish movement and migration behaviour. In my PhD I focussed on fine-scale fish movement by linking data from fine-scale (1-meter precision) acoustic telemetry and video tracking to hydraulic navigation cues. In my role in eawag I focus on broader scale movement patterns by tracking freshwater fish in the Rhine-Aare basin for several years. Thereby finding seasonal patterns and the influence (elevated) water temperatures have on habitat use in this river basin.

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In this large-scale study we investigate the effects of climate change on fish movement patterns in the Swiss Rhine-Aare River network

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Phone: +41 58 765 2139
Fax: +41 58 765 2168
Address: Eawag
Seestrasse 79
6047 Kastanienbaum
Office: CA B02

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Research Group

River Fish Ecology

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Fish behaviour, fish movement, (Acoustic) telemetry

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