Rosi Siber

About Me
“GIS is an integrative computer system to analyze and visualize spatial data. It helps to communicate between different research fields".
Since 2002 I am working at EAWAG as a GIS specialist, combing my expertise in biology and environmental sciences with GIS and data management.
GIS Support:
My main task is supporting all research groups at EAWAG in questions concerning GIS:
- Consulting in conceptual questions and finding solution of the spatial aspects in a research project.
- Technical Support for the research groups in all application of GIS and scripting.
- Point of contact for geo data and maps (also for our external partners).
- Member of Steering board "Data management and archiving at eawag".
Research Fields:
Involved in different projects in ecology, hydrology and environmental engineering, my focus is on the watershed and landscape analysis in alpine and European regions, where I investigated watershed properties with GIS and statistical methods.
- My special interest is on the estimation of pesticide input into Swiss rivers with GIS.
- I worked on the consequences of climatic change for water temperature and brown trout populations in Alpine rivers, mainly on GIS analysis.
- For the Book “Rivers of Europe” I was responsible for data collection, map generation and watershed analysis.Book: Rivers of Europe, Elsevier
- As a project manager I worked in the first stage of, a portal for searching maps in the main libraries in Switzerland.
- In the National Research Programme NFP61 "Substainable water management" I was involved in the GIS analysis for the thematic synthesis "Management of water resources and growing user demand". NFP61.
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Curriculum Vitae
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Schoebitz, L.; Bischoff, F.; Lohri, C. R.; Niwagaba, C. B.; Siber, R.; Strande, L. (2017) GIS analysis and optimisation of faecal sludge logistics at city-wide scale in Kampala, Uganda, Sustainability, 9(2), 194 (16 pp.), doi:10.3390/su9020194, Institutional Repository
Rahn, E.; Siber, R.; Lanz, K.; Stamm, C. (2014) GIS-Dokumentation zur Thematischen Synthese 2. „Bewirtschaftung der Wasserressourcen unter steigendem Nutzungsdruck“ im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms 61 (NFP 61), 11 p, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C.; Siber, R.; Singer, H.; Ochsenbein, U.; Berset, J.-D.; Scheiwiller, E.; Muff, D. (2012) Ereignisbezogenes Pestizidmonitoring. Am Beispiel der Gürbe (Kanton Bern), Aqua & Gas, 92(4), 24-32, Institutional Repository
Oehrli, M.; Přidal, P.; Zollinger, S.; Siber, R. (2011) MapRank: Geographical search for cartographic materials in libraries, D-Lib Magazine, 17(9-10), (12 pp.), doi:10.1045/september2011-oehrli, Institutional Repository
Siber, R. (2011) Where is herbicide use particularly critical?, Eawag News [engl. ed.], 71, 14-17, Institutional Repository
Siber, R.; Stamm, C.; Reichert, P. (2009) Modeling potential herbicide loss to surface waters on the Swiss plateau, Journal of Environmental Management, 91(1), 290-302, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2009.08.019, Institutional Repository
Tockner, K.; Uehlinger, U.; Robinson, C. T.; Siber, R.; Tonolla, D.; Peter, F. D. (2009) European rivers, In: Likens, G. E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of inland waters, 366-377, doi:10.1016/B978-012370626-3.00044-2, Institutional Repository
Abbaspour, K. C.; Yang, J.; Maximov, I.; Siber, R.; Bogner, K.; Mieleitner, J.; Zobrist, J.; Srinivasan, R. (2007) Modelling hydrology and water quality in the pre-alpine/alpine Thur watershed using SWAT, Journal of Hydrology, 333(2–4), 413-430, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2006.09.014, Institutional Repository
Hari, R. E.; Livingstone, D. M.; Siber, R.; Burkhardt-Holm, P.; Güttinger, H. (2006) Consequences of climatic change for water temperature and brown trout populations in Alpine rivers and streams, Global Change Biology, 12(1), 10-26, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.001051.x, Institutional Repository
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E-Mail: | |
Phone: | +41 58 765 5566 |
Fax: | +41 58 765 5802 |
Address: | Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133 8600 Dübendorf |
Office: | FC D05 |
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