
Sara Marks

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Dr. Sara Marks

Water Supply and Treatment Group

Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development

About Me

Research Areas


  • EPF Lausanne, Department of Environmental Engineering. Course: Sanitary engineering in developing countries
  • ETH Zürich, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Course: Water supply, sanitation and waste infrastructure and services in developing countries
  • ETH Zürich, NADEL Program. Course: Water, sanitation and waste management
  • Coursera MOOC on Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage, part of the Sandec MOOC Series: Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development

Current Service Activities

  • Member of the Eawag Directorate
  • WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality of Small Water Supplies, Advisory Group
  • PLOS Water, Academic Editor

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WABES explores opportunities for integrated planning, implementation and sustainability of water, solid waste and fecal sludge service provision in urban settings.
A multi-stakeholder projects that aims to identify sustainable service models for small towns in Uganda.

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Alvarez, K.; Barstow, C.; Boller, M.; Bose, I.; Brogan, J.; Collins, S.; Connors, K.; Durham, T.; Frongillo, E.; Gaitán-Rossi, P.; Garcia, O. P.; Marks, S.; Melgar-Quiñonez, H.; Miller, J.; Miller, S.; Mundo-Rosas, V.; Muñoz-Espinosa, A.; Ndege, G.; Otieno, I.; Pascavis, K.; Pérez-Escamilla, R.; Rodas, S.; Salles-Costa, R.; Sarker, M.; Shamah-Levy, T.; Thuo, S.; Webster, J.; Yeye, V.; Young, S. (2024) The Water Insecurity Experiences (WISE) scales: a manual for implementation and analysis of people’s experiences with water, 56 p, doi:10.21985/n2-20sc-f113, Institutional Repository
Locher, J. M.; Tosi Robinson, D.; Canú, E. N.; Sanchez, G.; Herrera, N.; Muj, M. S.; Crider, Y. S.; Marks, S. J. (2024) Assessment of a local and low-cost passive inline chlorination device in rural Guatemala, PLoS Water, 3(9), e0000255 (19 pp.), doi:10.1371/journal.pwat.0000255, Institutional Repository
Ambuehl, B.; Kunwar, B. M.; Schertenleib, A.; Marks, S. J.; Inauen, J. (2022) Can participation promote psychological ownership of a shared resource? An intervention study of community-based safe water infrastructure, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 81, 101818 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2022.101818, Institutional Repository
Uprety, S.; Schmoll, O.; Lüthi, C.; Marks, S.; Howard, G.; Nikiforova, N.; Paderi, V.; Schmiege, D.; Shinee, E. (2022) Delivering safe sanitation for all. Areas for action to improve the situation in the pan-European region, 46 p, Institutional Repository
Wainaina, G. K.; Ochieng, F.; Peter, M.; Raude, J. M.; Meierhofer, R.; Marks, S. J. (2023) Determinants of consistency of use of household water filters in emergencies: insights from a protracted drought in Northern Kenya, PLoS Water, 2(6), e0000093 (11 pp.), doi:10.1371/journal.pwat.0000093, Institutional Repository
Crider, Y. S.; Sainju, S.; Shrestha, R.; Clair-Caliot, G.; Schertenleib, A.; Kunwar, B. M.; Bhatta, M. R.; Marks, S. J.; Ray, I. (2022) Evaluation of system-level, passive chlorination in gravity-fed piped water systems in rural Nepal, Environmental Science and Technology, 56(19), 13985-13995, doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c03133, Institutional Repository
Narayan, A. S.; Marks, S. J.; Meierhofer, R.; Strande, L.; Tilley, E.; Zurbrügg, C.; Lüthi, C. (2021) Advancements in and integration of water, sanitation, and solid waste for low- and middle-income countries, Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46, 193-219, doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-030620-042304, Institutional Repository
Nadimpalli, M. L.; Marks, S. J.; Montealegre, M. C.; Gilman, R. H.; Pajuelo, M. J.; Saito, M.; Tsukayama, P.; Njenga, S. M.; Kiiru, J.; Swarthout, J.; Islam, M. A.; Julian, T. R.; Pickering, A. J. (2020) Urban informal settlements as hotspots of antimicrobial resistance and the need to curb environmental transmission, Nature Microbiology, 5(6), 787-795, doi:10.1038/s41564-020-0722-0, Institutional Repository
Marks, S. J.; Clair-Caliot, G.; Taing, L.; Bamwenda, J. T.; Kanyesigye, C.; Ernest Rwendeire, N.; Kemerink-Seyoum, J. S.; Kansiime, F.; Batega, D. W.; Ferrero, G. (2020) Water supply and sanitation services in small towns in rural-urban transition zones: the case of Bushenyi-Ishaka Municipality, Uganda, npj Clean Water, 3, 21 (9 pp.), doi:10.1038/s41545-020-0068-4, Institutional Repository

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Phone: +41 58 765 5631
Fax: +41 58 765 5802
Address: Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Office: FC F27

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Expert on

sustainable water management, technology concepts, transdisciplinary research, water treatment, water supply

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Research Group

Water Supply & Treatment in Sandec

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• Risk assessment and risk managment

• Field-robust water testing methods

• Water infrastructure sustainability

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