
Sven Mosimann

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'fileadmin/user_upload/tx_userprofiles/profileImages/mosimasv.jpg' (64 chars)

Sven Mosimann

PhD Student

Department Environmental Toxicology

About Me

I am interested in molecular mechanisms of toxicity. My PhD project aims at understanding reduced cell proliferation upon chemical insult and at identifying biomarkers. For this purpose, we employ a multi-omics approach, combined with image-based cell morphology assessments and computational systems biology techniques.

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Imagine to engineer cells so that they harbor specific gene deletions or depleted proteins of selected pathways...
Upon chemical exposure, growth in fish is hindered. A systems toxicology approach will decipher how and why this phenomenon is being observed.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Phone: +41 58 765 5764
Fax: +41 58 765 5802
Address: Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Office: BU E09

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