
Elisabeth Janssen

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PD Dr. Elisabeth Janssen

Deputy head of department (she/her)

Department Environmental Chemistry

About Me

Environmental Chemistry of Biomolecules and Pollutants

My research focusses on determining chemical information to evaluate water quality and to protect human health and ecosystem functioning. This information is crucial for public authorities to manage water resources especially as we are facing growing inputs of bioactive chemicals with adverse environmental effects. My work is rooted in environmental and analytical chemistry of aquatic enzymes, natural toxins, and micropollutants. I investigate the environmental behavior of these molecules to define the exposure side of human and ecological risk assessment. Specifically, my research focusses on the occurrence and persistence of these bioactive substances in surface waters. My group has built an expertise for analytical solutions to study site-specific damage of biomolecules of varied complexity and for environmental transformation processes. My aim is to elucidate how long-lived these biomolecules are in aquatic systems and which transformation products are formed with a particular focus on photochemical and enzymatic processes.

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Our research on fate of pharmaceuticals is motivated by investigating transformation pathways and kinetics to better understand the lifetime of such biologically active compounds in our freshwater Systems...
«Extracellular enzymes drive element cycling and degrade pollutants and transform themselves in surface waters»...
«Analytical and environmental chemistry of toxins and bioactive metabolites from cyanobacteria»
Comprehensive, open access database of > 2000 secondary metabolites from cyanobacteria...
Genetic and Metabolic diversity of toxic cyanobacteria in Swiss Alps...
Why do toxic cyanobacteria bloom? A gene to ecosystem approach...
Cyano-metabolites from source to tap

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Curriculum Vitae

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Phone: +41 58 765 5428
Fax: +41 58 765 5802
Address: Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Office: BU F16

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Expert on

photochemistry, organic pollutants, algae, biological degradation

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Biomolecules, natural toxins, peptide-based drugs, environmental photochemistry, oxidative processes

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