
Josianne Kollmann

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Dr. Josianne Kollmann

Postdoctoral researcher, Environmental Health Psychology

Department Environmental Social Sciences

About Me

Following my studies in Psychology at the Philipps University Marburg and my doctoral studies in Health Psychology at the University of Konstanz, I have begun to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Environmental Health Psychology research group. After having completed the Fair Wings project, I currently work in the WaterReuseLab project. In both projects I investigate user acceptance of (mandated) decentralised wastewater treatment and reuse as well as predictors of acceptance.

My general research interests lie at the interface between Health and Environmental Psychology. Particularly, I focus on people´s perception and acceptance of potential health and environmental risks, as well as on the perception and acceptance of environmental policies. I use this knowledge to increase the acceptance of health-promoting and sustainable technologies, innovations, and policies. With my research, I aim to protect and improve both human and environmental health.

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Perceived distributive justice and acceptance of decentralised water and wastewater systems
WaterReuseLab aims at analyzing how a new generation of decentralized water reuse systems could be developed in Bengaluru, India

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Phone: +41 58 765 6420
Fax: +41 58 765 5802
Address: Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Office: FC E14

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  • Risk perception and communication
  • Influence of risk perception on risk acceptance and behaviour
  • Policy acceptance
  • Distributive fairness

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