
Martin Huber

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Dr. Martin Huber

PostDoc, Cluster: Inter- and Transdisciplinary (ITD) Research

Department Environmental Social Sciences

About Me

I am working as a PostDoc in the TREBRIDGE (Transformation toward resilient ecosystems: Bridging natural and social sciences) Project in the group of Sabine Hoffmann. The TREBRIDGE Project focuses on watershed management in mountain areas in Switzerland. My role in TREBRIDGE is to integrate science across the disciplines involved in this project, securing a truly holistic approach throughout the project and a synthesis of results into joint outputs for the advancement of science.

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Social-ecological networks allow for the joint modeling of ecological interdependencies and governance structure.
The research project focuses on watershed management in Swiss mountain areas, aiming at increasing the resilience of mountain ecosystems and meeting societal needs regarding natural resource use and protection.

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Angst, M.; Huber, M. N. (2024) Who is satisfied with their inclusion in polycentric sustainability governance? Networks, power, and procedural justice in Swiss wetlands, Policy Studies Journal, 52(1), 139-167, doi:10.1111/psj.12515, Institutional Repository
Huber, M. N.; Angst, M.; Fischer, M. (2022) Multi-level network dataset of ten Swiss wetlands governance cases based on qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys, Data in Brief, 43, 108401 (10 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.dib.2022.108401, Institutional Repository
Huber, M. N. (2022) How the qualities of actor-issue interdependencies influence collaboration patterns, Ecology and Society, 27(4), 6 (14 pp.), doi:10.5751/ES-13536-270406, Institutional Repository
Huber, M. N.; Fischer, M.; Egli, N. (2023) Cross‐sectoral information and actors' contact networks in natural resource governance in the Swiss Alps, Environmental Policy and Governance, 33(44), 411-422, doi:10.1002/eet.2036, Institutional Repository

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This member of staff no longer works at Eawag. Please contact for further information.

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  • Ecosystem Governance
  • Social-ecological  network analysis
  • Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research

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