
Ralf Kägi

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About Me

Research Interests

  • Detection and fate of particulate contaminants (engineered, incidental and natural, micro- and nanoplastic particles) in natural environments and engineered systems
  • Fluxes and impacts (nano)particulate of contaminants (engineered, incidental and natural  (nano)particles, microplastics)  through and on urban (waste)water systems
  • Development and validation of new analytical approaches for (nano)particle detection and structural characterization

Research statement

Particulate contaminants (including engineered, incidental and natural nanoparticles (NP), colloids, micro- and nanoplastics) reach aqueous environments (both engineered and natural) through many different pathways. Whereas some of these contaminants are of less of concern due to their limited impact on ecosystems (e.g. clay minerals), others may have long-term and negative impacts on environmental health and are thus of increasing concern (e.g., toxic metals sorbed to iron colloids, carbon nanotubes, microplastics). The (unintended) release and the fate of these particulate contaminants into the aquatic environment are only poorly understood mainly due to the he lack of adequate analytical techniques to detect and characterize such materials in the environment. My research therefore, aims at combining well established standard characterization methods from colloidal sciences, with novel methods from materials science and with own developments to detect, quantify and understand the impacts of the particulate contaminants in the aquatic environment. The following research areas are of particular interest:

Fate of particulate contaminants in the natural environment and engineered systems.
Although a large variety of analytical methods exist to characterize nano scale materials (and especially nanoparticles), these methods were mainly developed for materials science applications. Therefore, these methods were optimized for detecting pure substances in high concentrations (such as Ag-NP in concentrated stock solutions). Transferring the methods to investigate (nano)particulate contaminants, present at trace concentrations and in complex matrices (e.g., soil, slugde) is very challenging. We therefore try to separate aquatic colloids, including engineered NP, microplastics or rate earth element-colloids from their surrounding matrices using different approaches such as density separation, field flow fractionation, magnetic seeded filtration, oxidative and enzymatic digestions. Isolated particles are the characterized and quantified using for example light scattering (DLS, SLS), mass and vibration spectroscopic (ICP-MS,µ-FT-IR) or (electron) microscopic (SEM, TEM) techniques.

To study the fate of (nano)contaminants in (waste)water systems, our state of the art analytical facilities are complemented by a series of experimental facilities ranging from lab to pilot scale. This allows us to mimick real world conditions and address open questions at the most suitable (experimental) scale.   

Development and validation of new approaches to quantify particulate (nano)contaminants
Electron microscopy represents an alternative and powerful approach to i) characterize individual (nano) particles down to the single digit nm range and ii) to extend the automated measurements of microplastic down to 1µm. In concert with other, bulk  analytical methods, including inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy and synchrotron x-ray absorption spectroscopy, we  use (automated) electron microscopy techniques (including own developments) to decipher the fate of (nano)particulate pollutant in managed waste facilities.

Currently, the lack of validated methods is one of the biggest challenge in microplastics research and hampers the comparison of results obtained from different studies. On the one hand address this issue by developing our own quality assurance and quality control measures, and on the other we are establishing uncertainty budgets for the whole analytical chain tailed for microplastics analysis.   

Experimental facilities

  • Wastewater

        Conventional activated sludge system (nitrification, denitrification, secondary clarification)

        Anaerobic digestion ('Apollo')

  • Surface water

        Custom made drum sieve designed for collection of particulate matter (e.g., microplastics) (planning         phase)

  • Weathering

        UV-exposure (SunTESTER, CPS+) -> Photooxidation

        Mechanical abrasion (Roller Mill, RM1) -> simulation of beach environments

        Temperature fluctuations (computer controlled temperature baths) -> simulating freeze - thaw cycles         (collaboration with Prof. Stephan Gruber, Carlton UNiversity, Ottawa, Canada) 

Analytical facilities

  • Particle size analysis

       Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Analyzer (Zetasizer, NanoZS, Malvern)

       Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer (LS 13 320, Beckman Coulter)

        asymmetric flow field flow fractionation system (Eclipse, Wyatt) in-line coupled to UV-DAD detector.         DLS - detector, static light scattering (SLS) detector (Helios, Waytt) and a fraction collector.

  • visible light microscope (VHX-7000, Keyence)
  • Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy

        Focal plain array (FPA)-µ-FT-IR microscope (Cary 670-IR, FTIR, Cary 610 IR Mikroskop)

  • Electron microscopes

        Scanning electron microscope (Gemini 460, equipped with 2 EDX detectors (Extreme and Ultrmate,         Oxford) Zeiss). Shared with and operated by Empa

        Transmission electron microscope (Talos, FEI and HD2700Cs, Hitachi). Both instruments are         operated by ScopeM (access via user training).


Particle Laboratory

Apart from my own research outlined above I also run the particle laboratory at Eawag. The particle laboratory is a contact-point for all sorts of particle-related questions, especially concerning microscopic work. My engagement in different projects covers all ranges from simple advice over a few measurements for a feasibility study up to solid collaborations. Thanks to very good contacts to the electron microscopy centers at ETHZ and Empa, experts on any kind of materials can be consulted if necessary.

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Rothwell, K. A., ThomasArrigo, L. K., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2025). Low molecular weight organic acids stabilise siderite against oxidation and influence the composition of iron (oxyhydr)oxide oxidation products. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 27(1), 133-145. doi:10.1039/d4em00363b, Institutional Repository
Galgani, F., Lusher, A. L., Strand, J., Haarr, M. L., Vinci, M., Molina Jack, E., … van Bavel, B. (2024). Revisiting the strategy for marine litter monitoring within the european marine strategy framework directive (MSFD). Ocean and Coastal Management, 255, 107254 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107254, Institutional Repository
Grigg, A. R. C., Notini, L., Kaegi, R., ThomasArrigo, L. K., & Kretzschmar, R. (2024). Aluminium substitution affects jarosite transformation to iron oxyhydroxides in the presence of aqueous Fe(II). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 374, 72-84. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2024.04.008, Institutional Repository
Grigg, A. R. C., Notini, L., Kaegi, R., ThomasArrigo, L. K., & Kretzschmar, R. (2024). Structural effects of aluminum and iron occupancy in minerals of the jarosite-alunite solid solution. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 8(2), 194-206. doi:10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00174, Institutional Repository
Kaiser, S., Kaegi, R., & Rhein, F. (2024). Influence of aging, morphology and particle size on the behavior of microplastics during magnetic seeded filtration. Science of the Total Environment, 957, 177353 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177353, Institutional Repository
Kuehr, S., Kaegi, R., Raths, J., Sinnet, B., Kipf, M., Rehkämper, M., … Georgantzopoulou, A. (2024). Reduced bioavailability of Au and isotopically enriched 109Ag nanoparticles transformed through a pilot wastewater treatment plant in Hyalella azteca under environmentally relevant exposure scenarios. Science of the Total Environment, 949, 174768 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174768, Institutional Repository
Käser, D., Kägi, R., Hattendorf, B., & Günther, D. (2024). Fundamental studies of laser ablation ICPMS using a nitrogen plasma source and helium, argon and nitrogen as carrier gas. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 39(12), 3069-3081. doi:10.1039/d4ja00327f, Institutional Repository
Nopp-Mayr, U., Layendecker, S., Sittenthaler, M., Philipp, M., Kägi, R., & Weinberger, I. (2024). Microplastic loads in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) feces - targeting a standardized protocol and first results from an alpine stream, the River Inn. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 196(8), 707 (14 pp.). doi:10.1007/s10661-024-12791-z, Institutional Repository
Schwarzfischer, M., Ruoss, T. S., Niechcial, A., Lee, S. S., Wawrzyniak, M., Laimbacher, A., … Spalinger, M. R. (2024). Impact of nanoplastic particles on macrophage inflammation and intestinal health in a mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease. Nanomaterials, 14(16), 1350 (15 pp.). doi:10.3390/nano14161350, Institutional Repository
Stetten, L., Kaegi, R., Hofmann, T., & von der Kammer, F. (2024). Depth-dependent transformation of ZnO and Ag nanoparticles in sulfate-reducing sediments tracked using scanning transmission electron microscopy. Environmental Science: Nano, 11(1), 136-148. doi:10.1039/d3en00550j, Institutional Repository
la Cecilia, D., Philipp, M., Kaegi, R., Schirmer, M., & Moeck, C. (2024). Microplastics attenuation from surface water to drinking water: impact of treatment and managed aquifer recharge – and identification uncertainties. Science of the Total Environment, 908, 168378 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168378, Institutional Repository
Ballikaya, P., Brunner, I., Cocozza, C., Grolimund, D., Kaegi, R., Murazzi, M. E., … Cherubini, P. (2023). First evidence of nanoparticle uptake through leaves and roots in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Tree Physiology, 43(2), 262-276. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpac117, Institutional Repository
Ballikaya, P., Brunner, I., Cocozza, C., Grolimund, D., Kaegi, R., Murazzi, M. E., … Cherubini, P. (2023). Nanoparticles are everywhere, even inside trees. Chimia, 77(4), 256. doi:10.2533/chimia.2023.256, Institutional Repository
Gottschalk, F., Debray, B., Klaessig, F., Park, B., Lacome, J. M., Vignes, A., … Kaegi, R. (2023). Predicting accidental release of engineered nanomaterials to the environment. Nature Nanotechnology, 18, 412-418. doi:10.1038/s41565-022-01290-2, Institutional Repository
Joëlle Kubeneck, L., ThomasArrigo, L. K., Rothwell, K. A., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2023). Competitive incorporation of Mn and Mg in vivianite at varying salinity and effects on crystal structure and morphology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 346, 231-244. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2023.01.029, Institutional Repository
Nenonen, V. V., Kaegi, R., Hug, S. J., Göttlicher, J., Mangold, S., Winkel, L. H. E., & Voegelin, A. (2023). Formation and transformation of Fe(III)- and Ca-precipitates in aqueous solutions and effects on phosphate retention over time. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 360, 207-230. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2023.09.004, Institutional Repository
Pulido-Reyes, G., Bianco, C., Magherini, L., Sethi, R., von Gunten, U., Kaegi, R., & Mitrano, D. M. (2023). Rückhalt von Nanoplastik-Partikeln bei der Wasseraufbereitung. Aqua & Gas, 103(7-8), 30-35. , Institutional Repository
Sodnikar, K., Kaegi, R., Christl, I., Schroth, M. H., & Sander, M. (2023). Transport of double-stranded ribonucleic acids (dsRNA) and deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) in sand and iron oxide-coated sand columns under varying solution chemistries. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 25(12), 2067-2080. doi:10.1039/d3em00294b, Institutional Repository
Xu, J., Chen, C., Hu, X., Chen, D., Bland, G., Wielinski, J., … Lowry, G. V. (2023). Particle-scale understanding of arsenic interactions with sulfidized nanoscale zerovalent iron and their impacts on dehalogenation reactivity. Environmental Science and Technology, 57(51), 21917-21926. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c08635, Institutional Repository
Grigg, A. R. C., ThomasArrigo, L. K., Schulz, K., Rothwell, K. A., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2022). Ferrihydrite transformations in flooded paddy soils: rates, pathways, and product spatial distributions. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 24(10), 1867-1882. doi:10.1039/d2em00290f, Institutional Repository
Kocic, J., Dirin, D. N., Kägi, R., Kovalenko, M. V., Günther, D., & Hattendorf, B. (2022). Direct analysis of nanoparticles in organic solvents by ICPMS with microdroplet injection. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37(8), 1738-1750. doi:10.1039/d1ja00358e, Institutional Repository
Murazzi, M. E., Cherubini, P., Brunner, I., Kägi, R., Saurer, M., Ballikaya, P., … Gessler, A. (2022). Can forest trees take up and transport nanoplastics?. iForest, 15(2), 128-132. doi:10.3832/ifor4021-015, Institutional Repository
Notini, L., ThomasArrigo, L. K., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2022). Coexisting goethite promotes Fe(II)-catalyzed transformation of ferrihydrite to goethite. Environmental Science and Technology, 56(17), 12723-12733. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c03925, Institutional Repository
Philipp, M., Bucheli, T. D., & Kaegi, R. (2022). The use of surrogate standards as a QA/QC tool for routine analysis of microplastics in sewage sludge. Science of the Total Environment, 835, 155485 (9 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155485, Institutional Repository
Pulido-Reyes, G., Magherini, L., Bianco, C., Sethi, R., von Gunten, U., Kaegi, R., & Mitrano, D. M. (2022). Nanoplastics removal during drinking water treatment: laboratory- and pilot-scale experiments and modeling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436, 129011 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129011, Institutional Repository
Rhein, F., Nirschl, H., & Kaegi, R. (2022). Separation of microplastic particles from sewage sludge extracts using magnetic seeded filtration. Water Research X, 17, 100155 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2022.100155, Institutional Repository
Schulz, K., ThomasArrigo, L. K., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2022). Stabilization of ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite by silicate during Fe(II)-catalyzed mineral transformation: impact on particle morphology and silicate distribution. Environmental Science and Technology, 56(9), 5929-5938. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c08789, Institutional Repository
Schwarzfischer, M., Niechcial, A., Lee, S. S., Sinnet, B., Wawrzyniak, M., Laimbacher, A., … Spalinger, M. R. (2022). Ingested nano- and microsized polystyrene particles surpass the intestinal barrier and accumulate in the body. NanoImpact, 25, 100374 (9 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.impact.2021.100374, Institutional Repository
Stetten, L., Hofmann, T., Proux, O., Landrot, G., Kaegi, R., & von der Kammer, F. (2022). Transformation of zinc oxide nanoparticles in freshwater sediments under oxic and anoxic conditions. Environmental Science: Nano, 9(11), 4255-4267. doi:10.1039/d2en00709f, Institutional Repository
Szakas, S. E., Lancaster, R., Kaegi, R., & Gundlach-Graham, A. (2022). Quantification and classification of engineered, incidental, and natural cerium-containing particles by spICP-TOFMS. Environmental Science: Nano, 9, 1627-1638. doi:10.1039/d1en01039e, Institutional Repository
Berg, M., Suess, E., Cayo, L., Bouchet, S., Hug, S. J., Kaegi, R., … Buser, A. M. (2021). Quecksilber im Schweizer Abwasser. Konzentrationen, Massenflüsse, Speziierung und Rückhalt. Aqua & Gas, 101(1), 14-20. , Institutional Repository
Etique, M., Bouchet, S., Byrne, J. M., Thomasarrigo, L. K., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2021). Mercury reduction by nanoparticulate vivianite. Environmental Science and Technology, 55(5), 3399-3407. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c05203, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Gogos, A., Voegelin, A., Hug, S. J., Winkel, L. H. E., Buser, A. M., & Berg, M. (2021). Quantification of individual Rare Earth Elements from industrial sources in sewage sludge. Water Research X, 11, 100092 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2021.100092, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Fierz, M., & Hattendorf, B. (2021). Quantification of nanoparticles in dispersions using transmission electron microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(3), 557-565. doi:10.1017/S1431927621000398, Institutional Repository
Kuehr, S., Diehle, N., Kaegi, R., & Schlechtriem, C. (2021). Ingestion of bivalve droppings by benthic invertebrates may lead to the transfer of nanomaterials in the aquatic food chain. Environmental Sciences Europe, 33(1), 35 (16 pp.). doi:10.1186/s12302-021-00473-3, Institutional Repository
Kuehr, S., Kaegi, R., Maletzki, D., & Schlechtriem, C. (2021). Testing the bioaccumulation potential of manufactured nanomaterials in the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca. Chemosphere, 263, 127961 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127961, Institutional Repository
Mehrabi, K., Kaegi, R., Günther, D., & Gundlach-Graham, A. (2021). Emerging investigator series: automated single-nanoparticle quantification and classification: a holistic study of particles into and out of wastewater treatment plants in Switzerland. Environmental Science: Nano, 8(5), 1211-1225. doi:10.1039/d0en01066a, Institutional Repository
Mehrabi, K., Kaegi, R., Günther, D., & Gundlach-Graham, A. (2021). Quantification and clustering of inorganic nanoparticles in wastewater treatment plants across Switzerland. Chimia, 75(7-8), 642-646. doi:10.2533/chimia.2021.642, Institutional Repository
Wielinski, J., Gogos, A., Voegelin, A., Müller, C. R., Morgenroth, E., & Kaegi, R. (2021). Release of gold (Au), silver (Ag) and cerium dioxide (CeO2) nanoparticles from sewage sludge incineration ash. Environmental Science: Nano, 8(11), 3220-3232. doi:10.1039/D1EN00497B, Institutional Repository
Wielinski, J., Voegelin, A., Grobéty, B., Müller, C. R., Morgenroth, E., & Kaegi, R. (2021). Transformation of TiO2 (nano)particles during sewage sludge incineration. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 411, 124932 (14 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124932, Institutional Repository
Al-Sid-Cheikh, M., Rowland, S. J., Kaegi, R., Henry, T. B., Cormier, M. A., & Thompson, R. C. (2020). Synthesis of 14C-labelled polystyrene nanoplastics for environmental studies. Communications Materials, 1(1), 97 (8 pp.). doi:10.1038/s43246-020-00097-9, Institutional Repository
Dörner, L., Schmutz, P., Kägi, R., Kovalenko, M. V., & Jeurgens, L. P. H. (2020). Electrophoretic deposition of nanoporous oxide coatings from concentrated CuO nanoparticle dispersions. Langmuir, 36(28), 8075-8085. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00720, Institutional Repository
Frehland, S., Kaegi, R., Hufenus, R., & Mitrano, D. M. (2020). Long-term assessment of nanoplastic particle and microplastic fiber flux through a pilot wastewater treatment plant using metal-doped plastics. Water Research, 182, 115860 (9 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.115860, Institutional Repository
Geitner, N. K., Ogilvie Hendren, C., Cornelis, G., Kaegi, R., Lead, J. R., Lowry, G. V., … Wiesner, M. R. (2020). Harmonizing across environmental nanomaterial testing media for increased comparability of nanomaterial datasets. Environmental Science: Nano, 7(1), 13-36. doi:10.1039/c9en00448c, Institutional Repository
Gogos, A., Wielinski, J., Voegelin, A., von der Kammer, F., & Kaegi, R. (2020). Quantification of anthropogenic and geogenic Ce in sewage sludge based on Ce oxidation state and rare earth element patterns. Water Research X, 9, 100059 (8 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2020.100059, Institutional Repository
Hagemann, N., Schmidt, H. P., Kägi, R., Böhler, M., Sigmund, G., Maccagnan, A., … Bucheli, T. D. (2020). Wood-based activated biochar to eliminate organic micropollutants from biologically treated wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, 730, 138417 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138417, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, K., Bouchet, S., Christl, I., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2020). Effect of NOM on copper sulfide nanoparticle growth, stability, and oxidative dissolution. Environmental Science: Nano, 7(4), 1163-1178. doi:10.1039/c9en01448a, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, K., Christl, I., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2020). Effects of natural organic matter (NOM), metal-to-sulfide ratio and Mn2+ on cadmium sulfide nanoparticle growth and colloidal stability. Environmental Science: Nano, 7(11), 3385-3404. doi:10.1039/d0en00764a, Institutional Repository
Mast, J., Verleysen, E., Hodoroaba, V. D., & Kaegi, R. (2020). Characterization of nanomaterials by transmission electron microscopy: measurement procedures. In V. D. Hodoroaba, W. E. S. Unger, & A. G. Shard (Eds.), Micro and nano technologies. Characterization of nanoparticles. Measurement processes for nanoparticles (pp. 29-48). doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-814182-3.00004-3, Institutional Repository
Pulido-Reyes, G., Mitrano, D. M., Kägi, R., & von Gunten, U. (2020). The effect of drinking water ozonation on different types of submicron plastic particles. In M. Cocca, E. Di Pace, M. E. Errico, G. Gentile, A. Montarsolo, R. Mossotti, & M. Avella (Eds.), Springer Water. Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on microplastic pollution in the Mediterranean Sea (pp. 152-157). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-45909-3_24, Institutional Repository
Suess, E., Berg, M., Bouchet, S., Cayo, L., Hug, S. J., Kaegi, R., … Buser, A. M. (2020). Mercury loads and fluxes from wastewater: a nationwide survey in Switzerland. Water Research, 175, 115708 (10 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.115708, Institutional Repository
Svendsen, C., Walker, L. A., Matzke, M., Lahive, E., Harrison, S., Crossley, A., … Spurgeon, D. J. (2020). Key principles and operational practices for improved nanotechnology environmental exposure assessment. Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 731-742. doi:10.1038/s41565-020-0742-1, Institutional Repository
ThomasArrigo, L. K., Bouchet, S., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2020). Organic matter influences transformation products of ferrihydrite exposed to sulfide. Environmental Science: Nano, 7(11), 3405-3418. doi:10.1039/d0en00398k, Institutional Repository
Urstoeger, A., Wimmer, A., Kaegi, R., Reiter, S., & Schuster, M. (2020). Looking at silver-based nanoparticles in environmental water samples: repetitive cloud point extraction bridges gaps in electron microscopy for naturally occurring nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(19), 12063-12071. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c02878, Institutional Repository
Velimirovic, M., Wagner, S., Monikh, F. A., Uusimäki, T., Kaegi, R., Hofmann, T., & von der Kammer, F. (2020). Accurate quantification of TiO2 nanoparticles in commercial sunscreens using standard materials and orthogonal particle sizing methods for verification. Talanta, 215, 120921 (10 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2020.120921, Institutional Repository
Wielinski, J. J. (2020). Investigations into the fate of engineered transition metal nano particles during sewage sludge incineration (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000473625, Institutional Repository
Wielinski, J., Marafatto, F. F., Gogos, A., Scheidegger, A., Voegelin, A., Müller, C. R., … Kaegi, R. (2020). Synchrotron hard X-ray chemical imaging of trace element speciation in heterogeneous samples: development of criteria for uncertainty analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 35, 567-579. doi:10.1039/C9JA00394K, Institutional Repository
Wigger, H., Kägi, R., Wiesner, M., & Nowack, B. (2020). Exposure and possible risks of engineered nanomaterials in the environment - current knowledge and directions for the future. Reviews of Geophysics, 58(4), e2020RG000710 (25 pp.). doi:10.1029/2020RG000710, Institutional Repository
Xu, J., Avellan, A., Li, H., Clark, E. A., Henkelman, G., Kaegi, R., & Lowry, G. V. (2020). Iron and sulfur precursors affect crystalline structure, speciation, and reactivity of sulfidized nanoscale zerovalent iron. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(20), 13294-13303. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c03879, Institutional Repository
Xu, J., Avellan, A., Li, H., Liu, X., Noël, V., Lou, Z., … Lowry, G. V. (2020). Sulfur loading and speciation control the hydrophobicity, electron transfer, reactivity, and selectivity of sulfidized nanoscale zerovalent iron. Advanced Materials, 32(17), 1906010 (10 pp.). doi:10.1002/adma.201906910, Institutional Repository
Zeumer, R., Hermsen, L., Kaegi, R., Kühr, S., Knopf, B., & Schlechtriem, C. (2020). Bioavailability of silver from wastewater and planktonic food borne silver nanoparticles in the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Science of the Total Environment, 706, 135695 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135695, Institutional Repository
Aeppli, M., Vranic, S., Kaegi, R., Kretzschmar, R., Brown, A. R., Voegelin, A., … Sander, M. (2019). Decreases in iron oxide reducibility during microbial reductive dissolution and transformation of ferrihydrite. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(15), 8736-8746. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b01299, Institutional Repository
Aeppli, M., Kaegi, R., Kretzschmar, R., Voegelin, A., Hofstetter, T. B., & Sander, M. (2019). Electrochemical analysis of changes in iron oxide reducibility during abiotic ferrihydrite transformation into goethite and magnetite. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(7), 3568-3578. doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b07190, Institutional Repository
Bakshi, M., Liné, C., Bedolla, D. E., Stein, R. J., Kaegi, R., Sarret, G., … Larue, C. (2019). Assessing the impacts of sewage sludge amendment containing nano-TiO2 on tomato plants: a life cycle study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 369, 191-198. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.02.036, Institutional Repository
Dörner, L., Cancellieri, C., Rheingans, B., Walter, M., Kägi, R., Schmutz, P., … Jeurgens, L. P. H. (2019). Cost-effective sol-gel synthesis of porous CuO nanoparticle aggregates with tunable specific surface area. Scientific Reports, 9, 11758 (15 pp.). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48020-8, Institutional Repository
Gogos, A., Wielinski, J., Voegelin, A., Emerich, H., & Kaegi, R. (2019). Transformation of cerium dioxide nanoparticles during sewage sludge incineration. Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 1765-1776. doi:10.1039/C9EN00281B, Institutional Repository
Hagemann, N., Bucheli, T. D., Schmidt, H. P., Kägi, R., Böhler, M., & McArdell, C. S. (2019). Aktivkohle - Made in Switzerland!. Aqua & Gas, 99(1), 32-38. , Institutional Repository
Hoppe, M., Schlich, K., Wielinski, J., Köser, J., Rückamp, D., Kaegi, R., & Hund-Rinke, K. (2019). Long-term outdoor lysimeter study with cerium dioxide nanomaterial. NanoImpact, 14, 100170 (9 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.impact.2019.100170, Institutional Repository
Salas, P., Odzak, N., Echegoyen, Y., Kägi, R., Sancho, M. C., & Navarro, E. (2019). The role of size and protein shells in the toxicity to algal photosynthesis induced by ionic silver delivered from silver nanoparticles. Science of the Total Environment, 692, 233-239. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.237, Institutional Repository
Surette, M. C., Nason, J. A., & Kaegi, R. (2019). The influence of surface coating functionality on the aging of nanoparticles in wastewater. Environmental Science: Nano, 6(8), 2470-2483. doi:10.1039/C9EN00376B, Institutional Repository
ThomasArrigo, L. K., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2019). Ferrihydrite growth and transformation in the presence of ferrous iron and model organic ligands. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(23), 13636-13647. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b03952, Institutional Repository
Uusimaeki, T., Wagner, T., Lipinski, H. G., & Kaegi, R. (2019). AutoEM: a software for automated acquisition and analysis of nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 21(6), 122 (11 pp.). doi:10.1007/s11051-019-4555-9, Institutional Repository
Verleysen, E., Wagner, T., Lipinski, H. G., Kägi, R., Koeber, R., Boix-Sanfeliu, A., … Mast, J. (2019). Evaluation of a TEM based approach for size measurement of particulate (nano)materials. Materials, 12(14), 2274 (20 pp.). doi:10.3390/ma12142274, Institutional Repository
Voegelin, A., Senn, A. C., Kaegi, R., & Hug, S. J. (2019). Reductive dissolution of As(V)-bearing Fe(III)-precipitates formed by Fe(II) oxidation in aqueous solutions. Geochemical Transactions, 20(2) (13 pp.). doi:10.1186/s12932-019-0062-2, Institutional Repository
Wielinski, J., Gogos, A., Voegelin, A., Müller, C., Morgenroth, E., & Kaegi, R. (2019). Transformation of nanoscale and ionic Cu and Zn during the incineration of digested sewage sludge (biosolids). Environmental Science and Technology, 53(20), 11704-11713. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b01983, Institutional Repository
Xu, J., Wang, Y., Weng, C., Bai, W., Jiao, Y., Kaegi, R., & Lowry, G. V. (2019). Reactivity, selectivity, and long-term performance of sulfidized nanoscale zerovalent iron with different properties. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(10), 5936-5945. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b00511, Institutional Repository
Zheng, Y., Mutzner, L., Ort, C., Kaegi, R., & Gottschalk, F. (2019). Modelling engineered nanomaterials in wet-weather discharges. NanoImpact, 16, 100188 (8 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.impact.2019.100188, Institutional Repository
Giese, B., Klaessig, F., Park, B., Kaegi, R., Steinfeldt, M., Wigger, H., … Gottschalk, F. (2018). Risks, release and concentrations of engineered nanomaterial in the environment. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1565 (8 pp.). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-19275-4, Institutional Repository
Gogos, A., Voegelin, A., & Kaegi, R. (2018). Influence of organic compounds on the sulfidation of copper oxide nanoparticles. Environmental Science: Nano, 5(11), 2560-2569. doi:10.1039/C8EN00523K, Institutional Repository
Gondikas, A., Von Der Kammer, F., Kaegi, R., Borovinskaya, O., Neubauer, E., Navratilova, J., … Hofmann, T. (2018). Where is the nano? Analytical approaches for the detection and quantification of TiO2 engineered nanoparticles in surface waters. Environmental Science: Nano, 5(2), 313-326. doi:10.1039/c7en00952f, Institutional Repository
Hagemann, N., Spokas, K., Schmidt, H. P., Kägi, R., Böhler, M. A., & Bucheli, T. D. (2018). Activated carbon, biochar and charcoal: linkages and synergies across pyrogenic carbon's ABCs. Water, 10(2), 182 (19 pp.). doi:10.3390/w10020182, Institutional Repository
Kampe, S., Kaegi, R., Schlich, K., Wasmuth, C., Hollert, H., & Schlechtriem, C. (2018). Silver nanoparticles in sewage sludge: bioavailability of sulfidized silver to the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37(6), 1606-1613. doi:10.1002/etc.4102, Institutional Repository
Neidhardt, H., Winkel, L. H. E., Kaegi, R., Stengel, C., Trang, P. T. K., Lan, V. M., … Berg, M. (2018). Insights into arsenic retention dynamics of Pleistocene aquifer sediments by in situ sorption experiments. Water Research, 129, 123-132. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.11.018, Institutional Repository
Pradas del Real, A. E., Castillo-Michel, H., Kaegi, R., Larue, C., de Nolf, W., Reyes-Herrera, J., … Sarret, G. (2018). Searching for relevant criteria to distinguish natural vs. anthropogenic TiO2 nanoparticles in soils. Environmental Science: Nano, 5(12), 2853-2863. doi:10.1039/c8en00386f, Institutional Repository
Senn, A. C., Hug, S. J., Kaegi, R., Hering, J. G., & Voegelin, A. (2018). Arsenate co-precipitation with Fe(II) oxidation products and retention or release during precipitate aging. Water Research, 131, 334-345. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.12.038, Institutional Repository
Thalmann, B., Kägi, R., & von Gunten, U. (2018). Metalle in der Ozonung. Verhalten von ausgewählten Metallen: Oxidation von Metallsulfiden und Metallkomplexen. Aqua & Gas, 98(4), 68-77. , Institutional Repository
Thalmann, B., von Gunten, U., & Kaegi, R. (2018). Ozonation of municipal wastewater effluent containing metal sulfides and metal complexes: kinetics and mechanisms. Water Research, 134, 170-180. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2018.01.042, Institutional Repository
Ulmer, P., Kaegi, R., & Müntener, O. (2018). Experimentally derived intermediate to silica-rich arc magmas by fractional and equilibrium crystallization at 1·0 GPa: an evaluation of phase relationships, compositions, liquid lines of descent and oxygen fugacity. Journal of Petrology, 59(1), 11-58. doi:10.1093/petrology/egy017, Institutional Repository
Vriens, B., Voegelin, A., Hug, S., Kaegi, R., Berg, M., & Winkel, L. (2018). Spurenelemente in Schweizer Abwasser. Aktuelle Konzentrationen und Frachten. Aqua & Gas, 98(1), 40-46. , Institutional Repository
Wielinski, J., Müller, C., Voegelin, A., Morgenroth, E., & Kaegi, R. (2018). Combustion of sewage sludge: kinetics and speciation of the combustible. Energy and Fuels, 32(10), 10656-10667. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b02106, Institutional Repository
Auvinen, H., Kaegi, R., Rousseau, D. P. L., & Du Laing, G. (2017). Fate of Silver Nanoparticles in Constructed Wetlands - a Microcosm Study. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 228(3) (11 pp.). doi:10.1007/s11270-017-3285-9, Institutional Repository
Gogos, A., Thalmann, B., Voegelin, A., & Kaegi, R. (2017). Sulfidation kinetics of copper oxide nanoparticles. Environmental Science: Nano, 4(8), 1733-1741. doi:10.1039/C7EN00309A, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Englert, A., Gondikas, A., Sinnet, B., von der Kammer, F., & Burkhardt, M. (2017). Release of TiO2 – (nano) particles from construction and demolition landfills. NanoImpact, 8, 73-79. doi:10.1016/j.impact.2017.07.004, Institutional Repository
Kraas, M., Schlich, K., Knopf, B., Wege, F., Kägi, R., Terytze, K., & Hund-Rinke, K. (2017). Long-term effects of sulfidized silver nanoparticles in sewage sludge on soil microflora. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36(12), 3305-3313. doi:10.1002/etc.3904, Institutional Repository
Praetorius, A., Gundlach-Graham, A., Goldberg, E., Fabienke, W., Navratilova, J., Gondikas, A., … von der Kammer, F. (2017). Single-particle multi-element fingerprinting (spMEF) using inductively-coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ICP-TOFMS) to identify engineered nanoparticles against the elevated natural background in soils. Environmental Science: Nano, 4(2), 307-314. doi:10.1039/c6en00455e, Institutional Repository
Senn, A. C., Kaegi, R., Hug, S. J., Hering, J. G., Mangold, S., & Voegelin, A. (2017). Effect of aging on the structure and phosphate retention of Fe(III)-precipitates formed by Fe(II) oxidation in water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 202, 341-360. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2016.12.033, Institutional Repository
Vriens, B., Voegelin, A., Hug, S. J., Kaegi, R., Winkel, L. H. E., Buser, A. M., & Berg, M. (2017). Quantification of element fluxes in wastewaters: a nationwide survey in Switzerland. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(19), 10943-10953. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b01731, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R. (2016). Separation and analysis of nanoparticles (NP) in aqueous environmental samples. In B. Xing, C. D. Vecitis, & N. Senesi (Eds.), Wiley-IUPAC series in biophysico-chemical processes in environmental systems. Engineered nanoparticles and the environment. Biophysicochemical processes and toxicity (pp. 53-74). doi:10.1002/9781119275855.ch4, Institutional Repository
Meier, C., Voegelin, A., Pradas Del Real, A., Sarret, G., Mueller, C. R., & Kaegi, R. (2016). Transformation of silver nanoparticles in sewage sludge during incineration. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(7), 3503-3510. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b04804, Institutional Repository
Petersen, E. J., Flores-Cervantes, D. X., Bucheli, T. D., Elliott, L. C. C., Fagan, J. A., Gogos, A., … Winchester, M. R. (2016). Quantification of carbon nanotubes in environmental matrices: current capabilities, case studies, and future prospects. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(9), 4587-4605. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b05647, Institutional Repository
Pradas del Real, A. E., Castillo-Michel, H., Kaegi, R., Sinnet, B., Magnin, V., Findling, N., … Sarret, G. (2016). Fate of Ag-NPs in sewage sludge after application on agricultural soils. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(4), 1759-1768. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b04550, Institutional Repository
Thalmann, B., Voegelin, A., Morgenroth, E., & Kaegi, R. (2016). Effect of humic acid on the kinetics of silver nanoparticle sulfidation. Environmental Science: Nano, 3(1), 203-212. doi:10.1039/c5en00209e, Institutional Repository
Vriens, B., Berg, M., Hug, S., Kägi, R., Voegelin, A., & Winkel, L. (2016). Ermittlung der Konzentrationsbereiche von Spurenelementen in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen. Zusammenfassender Schlussbericht. Dübendorf: Eawag. , Institutional Repository
Burkhardt, M., Dietschweiler, C., Schmidt, S., Englert, A., Hemmann, J., Sinnet, B., & Kägi, R. (2015). Titandioxid. Leitsubstanz für Nanopartikel im Deponiesickerwasser. Aqua & Gas, 95(12), 40-47. , Institutional Repository
Fedotova, N., Kaegi, R., Koch, J., & Günther, D. (2015). Influence of dispersion agents on particle size and concentration determined by laser-induced breakdown detection. Spectrochimica Acta B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 103-104(1), 92-98. doi:10.1016/j.sab.2014.12.002, Institutional Repository
Hofacker, A. F., Behrens, S., Voegelin, A., Kaegi, R., Lösekann-Behrens, T., Kappler, A., & Kretzschmar, R. (2015). Clostridium species as metallic copper-forming bacteria in soil under reducing conditions. Geomicrobiology Journal, 32(2), 130-139. doi:10.1080/01490451.2014.933287, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Voegelin, A., Sinnet, B., Zuleeg, S., Siegrist, H., & Burkhardt, M. (2015). Transformation of AgCl nanoparticles in a sewer system - a field study. Science of the Total Environment, 535, 20-27. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.12.075, Institutional Repository
Müller, P., Mielke, J., Hodoroaba, V. D., Kägi, R., & Ryner, M. (2015). Assessment of different electron microscopy techniques for particle size quantification of potential nanomaterials. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21(S3), 2403-2404. doi:10.1017/S1431927615012799, Institutional Repository
Senn, A. C., Kaegi, R., Hug, S. J., Hering, J. G., Mangold, S., & Voegelin, A. (2015). Composition and structure of Fe(III)-precipitates formed by Fe(II) oxidation in water at near-neutral pH: interdependent effects of phosphate, silicate and Ca. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 162, 220-246. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.032, Institutional Repository
Thalmann, B., Voegelin, A., von Gunten, U., Behra, R., Morgenroth, E., & Kaegi, R. (2015). Effect of ozone treatment on nano-sized silver sulfide in wastewater effluent. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(18), 10911-10919. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b02194, Institutional Repository
Thalmann, B. A. D. (2015). Transformations of silver nanoparticles in urban wastewater and water systems (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-010579189, Institutional Repository
Duester, L., Burkhardt, M., Gutleb, A. C., Kaegi, R., Macken, A., Meermann, B., & von der Kammer, F. (2014). Toward a comprehensive and realistic risk evaluation of engineered nanomaterials in the urban water system. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2, 39 (6 pp.). doi:10.3389/fchem.2014.00039, Institutional Repository
Gogos, A., Kaegi, R., Zenobi, R., & Bucheli, T. D. (2014). Capabilities of asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation coupled to multi-angle light scattering to detect carbon nanotubes in soot and soil. Environmental Science: Nano, 1(6), 584-594. doi:10.1039/c4en00070f, Institutional Repository
Grass, R. N., Schälchli, J., Paunescu, D., Soellner, J. O. B., Kaegi, R., & Stark, W. J. (2014). Tracking trace amounts of submicrometer silica particles in wastewaters and activated sludge using silica-encapsulated DNA barcodes. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 1(12), 484-489. doi:10.1021/ez5003506, Institutional Repository
Kroll, A., Behra, R., Kaegi, R., & Sigg, L. (2014). Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of freshwater biofilms stabilize and modify CeO2 and Ag nanoparticles. PLoS One, 9(10), e110709 (16 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110709, Institutional Repository
Neidhardt, H., Berg, M., Stengel, C., Winkel, L. H. E., Kaegi, R., Trang, P. T. K., … Viet, P. H. (2014). Arsenic adsorption on iron mineral phases under reducing conditions: results from an in-situ field experiment. In M. I. Litter, H. B. Nicolli, M. Meichtry, N. Quici, J. Bundschuh, P. Bhattacharya, & R. Naidu (Eds.), One century of the discovery of Arsenicosis in Latin America (1914-2014) (pp. 83-84). London: CRC Press. , Institutional Repository
Thalmann, B., Voegelin, A., Sinnet, B., Morgenroth, E., & Kaegi, R. (2014). Sulfidation kinetics of silver nanoparticles reacted with metal sulfides. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(9), 4885-4892. doi:10.1021/es5003378, Institutional Repository
Voegelin, A., Kaegi, R., Berg, M., Nitzsche, K. S., Kappler, A., Lan, V. M., … Steininger, R. (2014). Solid-phase characterisation of an effective household sand filter for As, Fe and Mn removal from groundwater in Vietnam. Environmental Chemistry, 11(5), 566-578. doi:10.1071/EN14011, Institutional Repository
Wenk, C. B., Kaegi, R., & Hug, S. J. (2014). Factors affecting arsenic and uranium removal with zero-valent iron: laboratory tests with Kanchan-type iron nail filter columns with different groundwaters. Environmental Chemistry, 11(5), 547-557. doi:10.1071/EN14020, Institutional Repository
Yang, Y., Doudrick, K., Bi, X., Hristovski, K., Herckes, P., Westerhoff, P., & Kaegi, R. (2014). Characterization of food-grade titanium dioxide: the presence of nanosized particles. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(11), 6391-6400. doi:10.1021/es500436x, Institutional Repository
Hofacker, A. F., Voegelin, A., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2013). Mercury mobilization in a flooded soil by incorporation into metallic copper and metal sulfide nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(14), 7739-7746. doi:10.1021/es4010976, Institutional Repository
Hofacker, A. F., Voegelin, A., Kaegi, R., Weber, F. A., & Kretzschmar, R. (2013). Temperature-dependent formation of metallic copper and metal sulfide nanoparticles during flooding of a contaminated soil. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 103, 316-332. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.10.053, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Voegelin, A., Ort, C., Sinnet, B., Thalmann, B., Krismer, J., … Mueller, E. (2013). Fate and transformation of silver nanoparticles in urban wastewater systems. Water Research, 47(12), 3866-3877. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2012.11.060, Institutional Repository
Neumann, A., Kaegi, R., Voegelin, A., Hussam, A., Munir, A. K. M., & Hug, S. J. (2013). Arsenic removal with composite iron matrix filters in Bangladesh: a field and laboratory study. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(9), 4544-4554. doi:10.1021/es305176x, Institutional Repository
Schwyzer, I., Kaegi, R., Sigg, L., & Nowack, B. (2013). Colloidal stability of suspended and agglomerate structures of settled carbon nanotubes in different aqueous matrices. Water Research, 47(12), 3910-3920. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.01.057, Institutional Repository
Voegelin, A., Senn, A. C., Kaegi, R., Hug, S. J., & Mangold, S. (2013). Dynamic Fe-precipitate formation induced by Fe(II) oxidation in aerated phosphate-containing water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 117, 216-231. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2013.04.022, Institutional Repository
Bonalumi, M. (2012). Effect of pumped-storage operations on temperature, turbidity and sedimentation in reservoirs and possible mitigation measures (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-007586451, Institutional Repository
Hagendorfer, H., Kaegi, R., Parlinska, M., Sinnet, B., Ludwig, C., & Ulrich, A. (2012). Characterization of silver nanoparticle products using asymmetric flow field flow fractionation with a multidetector approach - a comparison to transmission electron microscopy and batch dynamic light scattering. Analytical Chemistry, 84(6), 2678-2685. doi:10.1021/ac202641d, Institutional Repository
Mertens, J., Rose, J., Kägi, R., Chaurand, P., Plötze, M., Wehrli, B., & Furrer, G. (2012). Adsorption of arsenic on polyaluminum granulate. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(13), 7310-7317. doi:10.1021/es204508t, Institutional Repository
Schwyzer, I., Kaegi, R., Sigg, L., Smajda, R., Magrez, A., & Nowack, B. (2012). Long-term colloidal stability of 10 carbon nanotube types in the absence/presence of humic acid and calcium. Environmental Pollution, 169(1), 64-73. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2012.05.004, Institutional Repository
Sternitzke, V., Kaegi, R., Audinot, J. N., Lewin, E., Hering, J. G., & Johnson, C. A. (2012). Uptake of fluoride from aqueous solution on nano-sized hydroxyapatite: examination of a fluoridated surface layer. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(2), 802-809. doi:10.1021/es202750t, Institutional Repository
Bonalumi, M., Anselmetti, F. S., Kaegi, R., & Wüest, A. (2011). Particle dynamics in high-Alpine proglacial reservoirs modified by pumped-storage operation. Water Resources Research, 47(9), 1-15. doi:10.1029/2010WR010262, Institutional Repository
Bukowiecki, N., Zieger, P., Weingartner, E., Jurányi, Z., Gysel, M., Neininger, B., … Baltensperger, U. (2011). Ground-based and airborne in-situ measurements of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic aerosol plume in Switzerland in spring 2010. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11(19), 10011-10030. doi:10.5194/acp-11-10011-2011, Institutional Repository
Hagendorfer, H., Kaegi, R., Traber, J., Mertens, S. F. L., Scherrers, R., Ludwig, C., & Ulrich, A. (2011). Application of an asymmetric flow field flow fractionation multi-detector approach for metallic engineered nanoparticle characterization - prospects and limitations demonstrated on Au nanoparticles. Analytica Chimica Acta, 706(2), 367-378. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2011.08.014, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Voegelin, A., Sinnet, B., Zuleeg, S., Hagendorfer, H., Burkhardt, M., & Siegrist, H. (2011). Behavior of metallic silver nanoparticles in a pilot wastewater treatment plant. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(9), 3902-3908. doi:10.1021/es1041892, Institutional Repository
Lorenz, C., Hagendorfer, H., von Goetz, N., Kaegi, R., Gehrig, R., Ulrich, A., … Hungerbühler, K. (2011). Nanosized aerosols from consumer sprays: experimental analysis and exposure modeling for four commercial products. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13, 3377-3391. doi:10.1007/s11051-011-0256-8, Institutional Repository
Schwyzer, I. I. (2011). Colloidal stability of carbon nanotubes in aqueous media of environmental relevance (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-007317859, Institutional Repository
Schwyzer, I., Kaegi, R., Sigg, L., Magrez, A., & Nowack, B. (2011). Influence of the initial state of carbon nanotubes on their colloidal stability under natural conditions. Environmental Pollution, 159(6), 1641-1648. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.02.044, Institutional Repository
Burkhardt, M., Zuleeg, S., Kägi, R., Sinnet, B., Eugster, J., Boller, M., & Siegrist, H. (2010). Verhalten von Nanosilber in Kläranlagen und dessen Einfluss auf die Nitrifikationsleistung in Belebtschlamm. Fate of nanosilver in wastewater treatment plants and their impact on nitrification activity in sewage sludge. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 22(5), 529-540. doi:10.1007/s12302-010-0153-2, Institutional Repository
Glaus, R., Kaegi, R., Krumeich, F., & Günther, D. (2010). Phenomenological studies on structure and elemental composition of nanosecond and femtosecond laser-generated aerosols with implications on laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 65(9–10), 812-822. doi:10.1016/j.sab.2010.07.005, Institutional Repository
Hagendorfer, H., Lorenz, C., Kaegi, R., Sinnet, B., Gehrig, R., Goetz, N. V., … Ulrich, A. (2010). Size-fractionated characterization and quantification of nanoparticle release rates from a consumer spray product containing engineered nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 12(7), 2481-2494. doi:10.1007/s11051-009-9816-6, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Voegelin, A., Folini, D., & Hug, S. (2010). Effect of phosphate, silicate, and Ca on the morphology, structure and elemental composition of Fe(III)-precipitates formed in aerated Fe(II) and As(III) containing water. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(20), 5798-5816. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.07.017, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Sinnet, B., Zuleeg, S., Hagendorfer, H., Mueller, E., Vonbank, R., … Burkhardt, M. (2010). Release of silver nanoparticles from outdoor facades. Environmental Pollution, 158(9), 2900-2905. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2010.06.009, Institutional Repository
Latkoczy, C., Kägi, R., Fierz, M., Ritzmann, M., Günther, D., & Boller, M. (2010). Development of a mobile fast-screening laser-induced breakdown detection (LIBD) system for field-based measurements of nanometre sized particles in aqueous solutions. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12(7), 1422-1429. doi:10.1039/c002020f, Institutional Repository
Leisinger, S. M., Lothenbach, B., Saout, G. L., Kägi, R., Wehrli, B., & Johnson, C. A. (2010). Solid solutions between CrO4- and SO4-ettringite Ca6(Al(OH)6)2[(CrO4)x(SO4)1-x]3*26 H2O. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(23), 8983-8988. doi:10.1021/es100554v, Institutional Repository
Leisinger, S., Lothenbach, B., Lesaout, G., Kägi, R., Wehrli, B., & Johnson, C. A. (2010). Sulphate and chromate-AFt solid solutions; characterization and thermodynamic modeling (p. (4 pp.). Presented at the International RILEM symposium on concrete modelling – CONMOD'10. Lausanne, Switzerland. , Institutional Repository
Mikutta, C., Frommer, J., Voegelin, A., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2010). Effect of citrate on the local Fe coordination in ferrihydrite, arsenate binding, and ternary arsenate complex formation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(19), 5574-5592. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.06.024, Institutional Repository
Voegelin, A., Kaegi, R., Frommer, J., Vantelon, D., & Hug, S. J. (2010). Effect of phosphate, silicate, and Ca on Fe(III)-precipitates formed in aerated Fe(II)- and As(III)-containing water studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(1), 164-186. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.09.020, Institutional Repository
Behra, R., Kägi, R., Navarro, E., Burkhardt, M., & Sigg, L. (2009). Effects of engineered nanoparticles. Eawag News [engl. ed.], 67, 22-24. , Institutional Repository
Behra, R., Kaegi, R., Navarro, E., Burkhardt, M., & Sigg, L. (2009). Les nanoparticules synthétiques et leurs effets. Eawag News [éd. fr.], 67, 22-24. , Institutional Repository
Behra, R., Kaegi, R., Navarro, E., Burkhardt, M., & Sigg, L. (2009). Synthetische Nanopartikel und ihre Wirkung. Eawag News [dtsch. Ausg.], 67, 22-24. , Institutional Repository
Burkhardt, M., Zuleeg, S., Etter, B., Marti, T., Landert, J., Eugster, J., … Vonmont, H. (2009). Nanosilber in Fassadenbeschichtungen. Auswaschung im Vergleich mit Titandioxid und organischen Bioziden. Dübendorf: Eawag; Empa. , Institutional Repository
Hassellöv, M., & Kaegi, R. (2009). Analysis and characterization of manufactured nanoparticles in aquatic environments. In J. R. Lead & E. Smith (Eds.), Environmental and human health impacts of nanotechnology (pp. 211-266). doi:10.1002/9781444307504.ch6, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Wenk, C., & Hug, S. (2009). Elimination de l'arsenic par le fer colloïdal. Eawag News [éd. fr.], 66, 13-15. , Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R. (2009). Les nanoparticules dans l'eau potable. Eawag News [éd. fr.], 66, 7-9. , Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., & Sinnet, B. (2009). Nanoparticles in drinking water. Eawag News [engl. ed.], 66, 7-9. , Institutional Repository
Kägi, R., Wenk, C., & Hug, S. (2009). Arsenentfernung mittels Eisenkolloiden. Eawag News [dtsch. Ausg.], 66, 13-15. , Institutional Repository
Kägi, R., Wenk, C., & Hug, S. (2009). Arsenic removal using iron colloids. Eawag News [engl. ed.], 66, 13-15. , Institutional Repository
Kägi, R., & Sinnet, B. (2009). Nanopartikel im Trinkwasser. Eawag News [dtsch. Ausg.], 66, 7-9. , Institutional Repository
Vernooij, M. G. C., Mohr, M., Tzvetkov, G., Zelenay, V., Huthwelker, T., Kaegi, R., … Grobéty, B. (2009). On source identification and alteration of single diesel and wood smoke soot particles in the atmosphere; an X-Ray microspectroscopy study. Environmental Science and Technology, 43(14), 5339-5344. doi:10.1021/es800773h, Institutional Repository
Weber, F. A., Voegelin, A., Kaegi, R., & Kretzschmar, R. (2009). Contaminant mobilization by metallic copper and metal sulphide colloids in flooded soil. Nature Geoscience, 2, 267-271. doi:10.1038/NGEO476, Institutional Repository
Zuleeg, S., Burkhardt, M., Boller, M., Kägi, R., Sinnet, B., Eugster, J., & Siegrist, H. (2009). Charakterisierung und Bilanzierung von Silber im Abwasser einer Wäscherei. Dübendorf: Eawag: Das Wasserforschungs-Institut des ETH-Bereichs. , Institutional Repository
Zuleeg, S., Burkhardt, M., Boller, M., Kägi, R., Sinnet, B., Eugster, J., & Siegrist, H. (2009). Charakterisierung und Bilanzierung von Silberpartikeln in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen. Dübendorf: Eawag: Das Wasserforschungs-Institut des ETH-Bereichs. , Institutional Repository
von Gunten, U., Egli, T., Hammes, F., Helbing, J., Kaegi, R., & Pronk, W. (2009). Wave21. Drinking water for the 21st century. Final report. Schriftenreihe der Eawag: Vol. 20. Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Burkhardt, M., Kägi, R., Sinnet, B., Zuleeg, S., Simmler, H., Vonbank, R., … Boller, M. (2008). Biozide - Suche nach Alternativen. Nanopartikel in Fassadenbeschichtungen. Coviss, 4, 14-17. , Institutional Repository
Jermann, D., Pronk, W., Kägi, R., Halbeisen, M., & Boller, M. (2008). Influence of interactions between NOM and particles on UF fouling mechanisms. Water Research, 42(14), 3870-3878. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2008.05.013, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Wagner, T., Hetzer, B., Sinnet, B., Tzvetkov, G., & Boller, M. (2008). Size, number and chemical composition of nanosized particles in drinking water determined by analytical microscopy and LIBD. Water Research, 42(10–11), 2778-2786. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2008.02.009, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., Ulrich, A., Sinnet, B., Vonbank, R., Wichser, A., Zuleeg, S., … Boller, M. (2008). Synthetic TiO2 nanoparticle emission from exterior facades into the aquatic environment. Environmental Pollution, 156(2), 233-239. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2008.08.004, Institutional Repository
Navarro, E., Piccapietra, F., Wagner, B., Marconi, F., Kaegi, R., Odzak, N., … Behra, R. (2008). Toxicity of silver nanoparticles to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Environmental Science and Technology, 42(23), 8959-8964. doi:10.1021/es801785m, Institutional Repository
Burkhardt, M., Kägi, R., Simmler, H., Ulrich, A., & Boller, M. (2007). Nanopartikel auf Fassaden erforschen. Thema Umwelt, 2, 12-13. , Institutional Repository
Fierz, M., Kaegi, R., & Burtscher, H. (2007). Theoretical and experimental evaluation of a portable electrostatic TEM sampler. Aerosol Science and Technology, 41(5), 520-528. doi:10.1080/02786820701253327, Institutional Repository
Lorenzo, R., Kaegi, R., Gehrig, R., Scherrer, L., Grobéty, B., & Burtscher, H. (2007). A thermophoretic precipitator for the representative collection of atmospheric ultrafine particles for microscopic analysis. Aerosol Science and Technology, 41(10), 934-943. doi:10.1080/02786820701581834, Institutional Repository
Yang, T., Holzer, L., Kägi, R., Winnefeld, F., & Keller, B. (2007). In situ nanomanipulators as a tool to separate individual tobermorite crystals for AFM studies. Ultramicroscopy, 107(10–11), 1068-1077. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2007.02.042, Institutional Repository
Kaegi, R., & Gasser, P. (2006). Application of the focused ion beam technique in aerosol science: detailed investigation of selected, airborne particles. Journal of Microscopy, 224(2), 140-145. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2818.2006.01669.x, Institutional Repository
Mavrocordatos, D., Kaegi, R., & Schmatloch, V. (2002). Fractal analysis of wood combustion aggregates by contact mode atomic force microscopy. Atmospheric Environment, 36(36-37), 5653-5660. doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00702-1, Institutional Repository

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