Department Aquatic Ecology
Older than 2001
Arscott, D.B., Tockner, K. & Ward, J.V. (2001) Thermal heterogeneity along a braided floodplain river (Tagliamento River, northeastern Italy). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58: 2359-2373.
Beardall J., Berman T., Heraud P., Kadiri M., Light B., Patterson G., Roberts S., Sulzberger B., Sahan E., Uehlinger U. & Wood B. (2001): A comparison of methods for detection of phosphate limitation in microalgae. Aquatic Science 63: 107-121.
Bossard P., Bachofen R., Beardall J., Berman T., Dubinsky Z., Montecino V., Neale P., and Robarts R. (eds.) (2001). Dynamics of Primary Production in Lakes (Special Issue: Part I & II). Aquatic Sciences 63: 1-121 and 223 - 382.
Bossard, P., Gammeter S. Lehmann C. Schanz F., Bachofen R., Bürgi H.R., Steiner D. & Zimmermann U. (2001). Limnological description of the Lakes Zürich, Lucerne and Cadagno. Aquatic Sciences 63: 225 - 249.
Burgherr P., Ward J.V. & Glatthaar R. (2001): Diversity, distribution and seasonality of the Simulidae fauna in a glacial stream system in the Swiss Alps. Archive für Hydrobiologie 152: 19-37.
Burgherr P. & Ward J.V. (2001) Longitudinal and seasonal distribution patterns of the benthic fauna of an alpine glacial stream (Val Roseg, Switzerland). Freshwater Biology 46: 1705-1722.
Davis J. C., Minshall G. W., Robinson C. T. & Landres P. ( 2001): Monitoring wilderness stream ecosystems. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-70. Ogden, UT: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 137 p.
Donath U. & Robinson C.T. (2001): Ecological characteristics of temporary lake outlets in alpine environments of the Swiss Alps. Archivs für Hydrobiologie 150: 207-225.
Emmenegger, L., Schönenberger, R., Sigg, L., and Sulzberger, B. 2001. Light-induced redox cycling of iron in circumneutral lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 46: 49-61.
Gessner, M.O. (2001): Mass loss, fungal colonisation and nutrient dynamics of Phragmites australis leaves during senescence and aerial decay. Aquatic Botany 69: 325-339.
Graça, M.A.S., C. Cressa, M.O. Gessner, M.J. Feio, K.A. Callies and C. Barrios (2001): Food quality, feeding preferences, survival and growth of shredders from temperate and tropical streams. Freshwater Biology 46: 947-957.
Gurnell A.M., Petts G.E. , Hannah D.M. , Smith B.P.G., Edwards P.J.,Kollmann J. , Ward J.V. and Tockner K. (2001): Island formation along the gravel-bed Fiume Tagliamento, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
26: 31-62.
Hieber M., Robinson C.T., Rushforth S.R. & Uehlinger U. (2001). Algal communities associated with different alpine stream types. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Reserach 33: 447-456.
Lass S., Tarling G.A., Virtue P., Matthews J.B.L., Mayzaud P. & Buchholz F. (2001). On the food On the food of Northern Krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) in relation to its vertical distribution. Marine Ecology Progress Series 214: 177-200
Lass S., Boersma M., Wiltshire K.H., Spaak P. & Boriss H. (2001). Does trimethylamine induce life-history reactions in Daphnia? Hydrobiologia 442:199-206
Litchman E. and Klausmeier C.A. (2001). Competition of phytoplankton under fluctuating light. American Naturalist, 157: 170-187.
Malard F., Lafont M., Burgherr P. & Ward J.V. (2001) A comparison of longitudinal patterns in hyporheic and benthic oligochaete assemblages in a glacial river. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Reserach 33: 457-466.
Malard F., Mangin A. Uehlinger U. & Ward J.V. (2001) Thermal heterogeneity in the hyporheic zone of a glacial floodplain. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:1319-1335.
Mazellier, P., and Sulzberger, B. 2001. Diuron degradation in heterogeneous photo-Fenton systems: Effect of oxalate concentration and pH. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35: 3314-3320.
Minshall G.W., J.T. Brock, D.A. Andrews, & C.T. Robinson (2001): Water quality, substratum, and biotic responses of five central Idaho (USA) streams during the first year following the Mortar Creek Fire. Journal of Wildland Fire 10:185-199.
Minshall G.W., Robinson C. T., Lawrence D. E. , Andrews D.A. & Brock J.T. (2001): Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in five central Idaho (USA) streams over a 10-year period following disturbance by wildfire. Journal of Wildland Fire 10:201-213.
Minshall G. W., Royer T. V. & Robinson C. T. (2001): Response of the Cache Creek benthos during the first ten years following disturbance by the 1988 Yellowstone wildfires. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:1077-1088.
Monaghan M. T., Spaak P., Robinson C. T., and Ward J. V. (2001): Genetic differentiation of Baetis alpina Pictet (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in fragmented alpine streams. Heredity 86:395-403.
Monaghan M.T., Thomas S.A., Minshall G.W., Newbold J.D. & Cushing C.E. (2001): The influence of filter-feeding benthic macroinvertebrates on the transport and deposition of particulate organic matter and diatoms in two streams. Limnology and Oceanography 46:1091-1099.
Neale P.J., Bossard P. & Huot Y (2001) Incident and in situ irradiance in Lakes Cadagno and Lucerne: A comparison of methods and models. Aquatic Sciences. 63: 250-264.
Neale P.J., Litchman E., Sobrino C., Callieri C., Morabito G., Montecino V., Huot Y., Bossard P., Lehmann C. & Steiner D. (2001) Quantifying the response of phytoplankton photosynthesis to ultraviolet radiation: Biological weighting functions versus in situ measurements in two Swiss lakes. Aquatic Sciences 63: 265-285.
Rinke K., Robinson C.T. & Uehlinger U. (2001): A note on abiotic factors that constrain periphyton growth in Alpine glacier streams. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 86, 361-366.
Royer T.V., Robinson C.T., & Minshall G.W. (2001): Development of a macroinvertebrate-based index for the bioassessment of large rivers. Environmental Management 27:627-636.
Robinson C.T., Uehlinger U. & Hieber M. (2001) Spatio-temporal variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages of glacial streams in the Swiss Alps. Freshwater Biology 46: 1663-1672.
Stanford J. A. and Ward J. V. (2001): Revisiting the serial discontinuity concept. Regulated Rivers: Reserach & Management 17: 303-310.
Thomas S.A., Newbold J.D., Monaghan M.T., Minshall G.W., Georgian T. & Cushing C.E. (2001): The influence of particle size on the deposition of seston in streams. Limnology and Oceanography 46:1415-1424.
Ward J.V. & Tockner K. (2001): Biodiversity: Toward a unifying theme for river ecology. Freshwater Biology 46: 807-819.
Ward J. V. and Wiens J. A. (2001): Ecotones of riverine ecosystems: Role and typology, spatio-temporal dynamics, and river regulation. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 1: 25-36.
Ward J.V., Tockner K., Uehlinger U. & Malard F. (2001) Understanding natural patterns and processes in river corridors as the basis for effective river restoration. Regulated Rivers: Reserach & Management 17:311-323.
Winder M., Monaghan M.T., & Spaak P. (2001). Have human impacts changes zooplankton diversity over the past 100 years. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Reserach 33: 447-475.
Zah R., Burgherr P., Bernasconi S.M. & Uehlinger U. (2001): Stable isotope analysis of macroinvertebrates and their food sources in a glacier stream. Freshwater Biology 46: 871-882.
Zah R., Niederöst M., Rinderpacher H. & Uehlinger U. (2001) Long-term dynamics of the channel network in a glacial floodplain, Val Roseg, Switzerland. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Reserach 33: 440-446.
Zah R. & Uehlinger U. (2001) Particulate organic matter inputs to a glacial stream ecosystem in the Swiss Alps. Freshwater Biology 46:1597-1608.
Arscott, D.B., W.B. Bowden, and J.C. Finlay.( 2000): Effects of desiccation and temperature/irradiance on the metabolism of 2 arctic stream bryophyte taxa. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19: 263-273. Arscott D.B., Tockner K. and Ward J.V. (2000): Aquatic habitat structure and diversity along the corridor of an Alpine floodplain river (The Fiume Tagliamento). Arch. Hydrobiol. 149: 679-704.
Bundi U., Peter A., Frutiger, A. Hütte, M. Liechti, P. Sieber. U. (2000): Modular Concept for Comprehensive Assessment and Evaluation of Streams in Switzerland. Hydrobiologia 422/423: 477-487.
Burgherr P. and Ward J.V. (2000): Zoobenthos of kryal and lake outlet biotopes in a glacial flood plain. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 1587-1590.
Bürgi HR. and Stadelmann P. (2000): Change of phytoplankton diversity during longterm restoration of Lake Baldegg (Switzerland). Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 27: 574-581.
Gessner M.O. (2000): Breakdown and nutrient dynamics of submerged Phragmites shoots in the littoral zone of a hardwater lake. Aquatic Botany 66: 9-20.
Gurnell A. M., Petts G. E., Harris N., Ward J. V., Tockner K., Edwards P. J. and Kollmann J. (2000): Large wood retention in river channels: The case of the Fiume Tagliamento, Italy. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25: 255-275.
Gurnell A.M., Petts G.M., Hannah D.M., Smith B.P.G., Edwards P.J., Kollmann J., Ward J.V. and Tockner K. (2000): Wood storage within the active zone of a large European gravel-bed river. Geomorphology 34: 55-72.
Kaenel B., Bührer H. and U. Uehlinger. 2000. The effects of aquatic plant management on stream metabolism and the oxygen balance in streams. Freshwater Biology 45, 85-95.
Klein B. and K. Tockner. (2000) Biodiversity in alluvial springs of a glacial flood plain (Val Roseg, Switzerland). Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 27, 704-710.
Komínková D., Kuehn K.A., Büsing N., Steiner D. and Gessner M.O. (2000): Microbial biomass, growth, and respiration associated with submerged litter of Phragmites australis decomposing in a littoral reed stand of a large lake. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 22: 271-282.
Lass S., Boersma M. and Spaak P. (2000): How do migrating daphnids cope with fish predation under anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion? J. Plankt. Res. 22: 1411-1418
Malard F., Ward J.V., and Robinson C.T. (2000). An expanded perspective of the hyporheic zone. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 27: 431-437.
Malard F., Tockner K. and Ward J.V. (2000): A landscape-level analysis of physico-chemical heterogeneity in a glacial flood plain. Landscape Ecology 15: 679-695.
Meier G.M., Meyer E.I. and Meyns S. (2000): Lipid content of stream macroinvertebrates. Arch. Hydrobiol. 147: 447-463.
Minshall G.W., Thomas S.A., Newbold J.D., Monaghan M.T. & Cushing C.E. (2000): Physical influences on organic particle transport and deposition in streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19:1-16.
Petts G.E., Gurnell A.M., Gerrard A.J., Hannah D.M., Hansford B., Morrissey I., Edwards P.J., Kollmann J., Ward J.V., Tockner K. and Smith B.P.G. (2000) Longitudinal variations in exposed riverine sediments: a context for the development of vegetated islands along the Fiume Tagliamento, Italy. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 10: 249-266.
Petts G.E., Gurnell A.M., Gerrard A.J., B.P.G. Smith, B. Hansford, I. Morrissey, J.V. Ward, K. Tockner, P.J. Edwards, J. Kollmann and D.M. Hannah (2000): Longitudinal variations in exposed riverine sediments: a context for the ecology of the Fiume Tagliamento, Italy. Aquatic Conservation 10: 249-266.
Robinson, C.T. and M.O. Gessner (2000): Nutrient addition accelerates leaf breakdown in an alpine springbrook. Oecologia 122:258-263.
Robinson, C.T. and M.O. Gessner. (2000) Leaf breakdown in an alpine spring brook. Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie 27, 744-747.
Robinson C.T., Gessner M.O., Callies K.A., Jolidon C. and Ward J.V. (2000): Larch needle breakdown in contrasting streams of a glacial floodplain. Journal of the North Amercian Benthological Society 19: 250-262.
Robinson, C.T., S.R. Rushforth, and P. Burgherr (2000): Seasonal effects of disturbance on a lake outlet algal assemblage. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 148: 283-300.
Robinson, C.T., G.W. Minshall, and T.V. Royer (2000): Inter-annual patterns in macroinvertebrate communities of wilderness streams in Idaho, U.S.A. Hydrobiologia 421:187-198.
Spaak P., Vanoverbeke J. and Boersma M. (2000): Predator induced life history changes and the coexistence of five taxa in a Daphnia species complex. Oikos, 89: 164-174.
Sulzberger B. (2000) Photooxidation of dissolved organic matter: Role for carbon bioavailability and for the penetration depth of solar UR-radiation. In: A. Gianguzza, E. Pelizzetti, S. Sammartano (eds) Chemical Processes in Marine Environments, Environmental Science Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Tockner K., Baumgartner C., Schiemer F. and Ward J.V. (2000): Biodiversity of a Danubian flood plain: structural, functional and compositional aspects. In: Gopal, B., W. Junk and J.A. Davies (Eds.), Biodiversity in Wetlands: Assessment, Function and Conservation, Vol. 1, pp. 141-159. Buckhyus Publ. Leiden.
Tockner K., Malard F. and Ward J.V. (2000): An extension of the flood pulse concept. Hydrological Processes 14: 2861-2883.
Uehlinger U. König C. and Reichert P. (2000). Variability of photosynthesis-irradiance curves and ecosystem respiration in a small river. Freshwater Biology 44, 493-507.
Uehlinger U. (2000) Resistance and resilience of ecosystem metabolism in flood-prone river system. Freshwater Biology, 45 319-332.
Uehlinger U. (2000 ) Periphyton biomass in an unpredictable environment: exploring the temporal variability with a dynamic model.Verhandlung Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewande Limnologie 27: 3162-3165.
Voelz N. J., Shieh S. H. and Ward J. V. (2000): Long-term monitoring of benthic macroinvertebrate community structure: a perspective from a Colorado river. Aquatic Ecology 34: 261-278.
Ward J.V., Malard F., Stanford J.A. and Gonser T. (2000): Interstitial aquatic fauna of shallow unconsolidated sediments, particularly hyporheic biotopes. pp. 41-58. In: H. Wilkens, D.C. Culver and Humphreys (eds), Ecosystems of the World - Subterranean Biota. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Wellnitz T.A. and Ward J.V. (2000) Herbivory and irradiance shape periphytic architecture in a Swiss alpine stream. Limnology and Oceanography 45: 64-75.
Winder M., Pehofer H. E. and Füreder L. (2000): Distribution patterns of benthic crustaceans in a formerly meromictic lake with changing trophic conditions (Lake Piburg, Tyrol, Austria). Arch. Hydrobiol. 147: 519-533.
Zah R., Niederoest M., and Uehlinger U. (2000) Application of photogrammetry in freshwater ecology: analysing the morphology of a high alpine flooplain. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 33: 1739-1746.
Zah R., Burgherr P., Bernasconi S.M. and Uehlinger U. (2000). Contribution of organic resources to a glacial stream (Val Roseg, Swiss Alps) - a stable isotope study. Verhandlung Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewande Limnologie 27: 1635-1639.
Zollhöfer J., Brunke M. & Gonser T. (2000) A spring typology integrating habitat variables and fauna. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Supplemente 121/3-4, Monographical Studies 349-376.
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1999 |
Balmer M.E. and Sulzberger B. (1999) Atrazine degradation in irradiated iron/oxalate systems: Effects of pH and oxalate. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33: 2418-2424.
Boersma M., De Meester L. and Spaak P. (1999): Environmental stress and local adaptation in Daphnia magna. Limnology and Oceanography 44: 393-402.
Brunke, M. (1999): Colmation and depth filtration within streambeds: Retention of particles in hyporheic interstices. Internatinale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiolologie 84: 99-117
Brunke M. & Gonser T. (1999) Hyporheic invertebrates - the clinal nature of interstitial communities structured by hydrological exchange and environmental gradients. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 18, 344-362.
Bürgi HR., Heller C., Gaebel S., Mookerji N. and Ward J.V. (1999): Strength of coupling between phyto- and zooplankton in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland) during phosphorus abatement subsequent to a weak eutrophication. J. Plankton Research 21: 485-507.
Casas J.J. and Gessner M.O. (1999): Leaf litter breakdown in a Mediterranean stream characterised by travertine precipitation. Freshwater Biology 41: 781-793.
Edwards P.E., Kollmann J., Tockner K. and Ward J.V. (1999): The role of island dynamics in the maintenance of biodiversity in an Alpine river system. Bulletin of the Geobotanical Institute ETH 65: 73-86.
Edwards P.J., Kollmann J., Gurnell A.M., Petts G.E., Tockner K. and Ward J.V. (1999): A conceptual model of vegetation dynamics on gravel bars of a large Alpine river. Wetlands Ecology and Management 7: 141-153.
Gessner M.O. (1999): Aquatische Hyphomyceten. Methoden der Biologischen Wasseruntersuchung, Biologische Gewässeruntersuchung. (eds von Tümpling W. and Friedrich G.), pp. 185-198. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena
Gessner M.O., Chauvet E. and Dobson M. (1999): A perspective on leaf litter breakdown in streams. Oikos 85: 377-384.
Gurnell A.M., Edwards P.J., Petts G.E. and Ward J.V. (1999): A conceptual model for alpine proglacial river channel evolution under changing climatic conditions. Catanea 38: 223-242.
Jaki B., Orjala J., Bürgi HR. and Sticher O. (1999): Biological screening of cyanobacteria for antimicrobial and molluscicidal activity, Brine Shrimp lethality and cytotoxicity. Pharmaceutical Biology 37: 138-143.
Kaenel B. and Uehlinger U. 1999. Aquatic plant management: ecological effects in two streams of the Swiss Plateau. Hydrobiologia 415, 257-263.
Kollmann J., Vieli M., Edwards P.J., Tockner K. and Ward J.V. (1999): Interactions between vegetation development and island formation in the Alpine river Tagliamento. Applied Vegetation Science 2: 25-36.
Kuehn K.A., Gessner M.O., Wetzel R.G. and Suberkropp K. (1999): Decomposition and CO2 evolution from standing litter of the emergent macrophyte Erianthus giganteus. Microbial Ecology 38: 50-57.
Malard F., Tockner K. and Ward J.V. (1999): Shifting dominance of subcatchment water sources and flow paths in a glacial floodplain, Val Roseg, Switzerland. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 31, 135-150.
Moesslacher F. and Ward J. V. (1999): Distribution of interstitial fauna in a dynamic river floodplain in relation to surficial features and particle parameters. Memoires de Biospeleologie 26: 91-99.
Robinson C.T. and Burgherr P. (1999): Seasonal disturbance of a lake outlet community. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 145: 297-315.
Royer T.V., Monaghan M.T. & Minshall G.W. (1999): Processing of native and exotic leaf litter in two Idaho (USA) streams. Hydrobiologia 400:123-128.
Schiemer F., Baumgartner C. and Tockner K. (1999) The Danube restoration project: conceptual framework, monitoring program and predictions on hydrologically controlled changes. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 15: 231-244.
Shieh S.-H., Kondratieff B. C. and Ward J. V. (1999): Longitudinal changes in benthic organic matter and macroinvertebrates in a polluted Colorado plains stream. Hydrobiologia 411: 191-209.
Shieh S.-H., Kondratieff B., Ward J.V. and Rice D.A. (1999) The relationship of macroinvertebrate assemblages to water chemistry in a polluted Colorado plains stream. Arch. Hydrobiol. 145: 405-432.
Tockner K. and Ward J.V. (1999): Biodiversity along riparian corridors. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 115: 293-310.
Tockner K., Pennetzdorfer D., Reiner N., Schiemer F. and Ward J.V. (1999): Hydrological connectivity, and the exchange of organic matter and nutrients in a dynamic river-floodplain system (Danube, Austria). Freshwater Biology 41: 521-535.
Tockner K., Schiemer F., Baumgartner C., Kum G., Weigand E., Zweimüller I. and Ward V.V. (1999): The Danube restoration project: Species diversity along habitat gradients in the floodplain system. Regulated Rivers 15: 245-258.
Ward J.V., Malard F., Tockner K. and Uehlinger U. (1999): Influence of ground water on surface water conditions in a glacial flood plain of the Swiss Alps. Hydrological Processes 13: 277-293.
Ward J.V., Tockner K. and Schiemer F. (1999): Biodiversity of floodplain river ecosystems: ecotones and connectivity. Regulated Rivers 15: 125-139.
Ward J.V., Tockner K., Edwards P.J., Kollmann J., Bretchko G., Gurnell A.M., Petts G.E. and Rossaro B. (1999): A reference river for the Alps: the 'Fiume Tagliamento'. Regulated Rivers 15: 63-75.
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1998 |
Arscott D. B., Bowden W. B. and Finlay J. C. (1998): Comparison of epilithic algal and bryophyte metabolism in an arctic tundra stream, Alaska. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17: 210-227.
Boersma M., Spaak P. and De Meester L. (1998): Predator-mediated plasticity in morphology, life history, and behavior of Daphnia: The uncoupling of responses. American Naturalist 152: 237-248.
Brunke M., Gonser T. and Grieder E. (1998): Environmental gradient patterns in hyporheic interstices: A model based on hydrologic exchange processes. In: G. Bretschko and J. Helesic (eds) Advances in River Bottom Ecology. 23-30 pp, Backhuys.
Brunke M., Gonser T. and Grieder E. (1998): The influence of surface and subsurface flow regimes on the distribution of particulate organic matter and inorganic fine particles in the sediments of a perialpine stream. IAHS publications No. 248. Conference proceedings HeadWater '98. 371-378pp.
Eggleston C.M., Hug S.J., Stumm W., Sulzberger B. and Dos Santos Alfonso M. (1998) Surface complexation of sulfate by hematite surfaces: FTIR and STM observations. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62: 585-593.
Ellis B.K., Stanford J.A. and Ward J.V. (1998): Microbial assemblages and production in alluvial aquifers of the Flathead River, Montana, USA. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 17: 382-402.
Emmenegger L., King D.W., Sigg L. and Sulzberger B. (1998) Oxidation kinetics of Fe(II) in a eutrophic Swiss lake. Environ. Sci. Technol. 32: 2990-2996.
Frutiger A. (1998): Walking on suckers andendash; new insights on the locomotory behaviour of the larval neth-winged midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae). Journal of the North American Society 17: 104 - 120.
Frutiger A. and Gammeter S. (1998): Faunistics and altitudinal distribution of net-winged midges (Diptera: Blephariceridae) in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 71: 115 - 124.
Geist, D.R., Joy, M.C., Lee, D.R., Gonser, T. (1998): A new method for installing piezometers in large cobble-bed rivers. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation 18(1):78-82.
Gessner M.O., Robinson C.T. and Ward J.V. (1998): Leaf breakdown in streams of an alpine glacial floodplain: dynamics of fungi and nutrients. Journal of the North Amercian Benthological Society 17: 403-419.
Kaenel B., Matthaei C.M. and Uehlinger U. 1998. Disturbance by aquatic plant management in streams: effects on benthic invertebrates. Regulated Rivers Reserach and Management 14, 341-356.
Kaenel B.R. and Uehlinger U. 1998. Effects of plant cutting and dreding on habitat condtions in streams. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 143, 257-273.
Matthaei C., Werthmüller D., Frutiger A. (1998) An update on the quantification of stream drift. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 143: 1-19.
Minshall G.W. and Robinson C.T. (1998): Macroinvertebrate community structure in relation to measures of lotic habitat heterogeneity. Archivs für Hydrobiologie 141: 129-151.
Minshall G.W., Robinson C.T., and Royer T.V. (1998): Stream ecosystem responses to the 1988 Wildfires. Yellowstone Science 6: 15-22.
Mookerji N., Heller C., Meng H.J., Bürgi HR. and Müller R. (1998): Diel and seasonal patterns of food intake and prey selection by coergonus sp. In re-oligotrophicated Lake Lucerne (Switzerland). J. Fish Biol., 52: 443-457.
Robinson C. T. and Minshall G. W. (1998): Macroinvertebrate communities, secondary production, and life history patterns in two adjacent streams in Idaho, USA. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 142: 257-281.
Robinson C.T. and Minshall G.W. (1998): Regional assessment of wadable streams in Idaho, USA. The Great Basin Naturalist 58: 54-65.
Robinson C.T., Gessner M.O. and Ward J.V. (1998) Leaf breakdown and associated macroinvertebrates in alpine glacial streams. Freshwater Biology 40: 215-228.
Tockner K., Schiemer F. and Ward J. V. (1998): Conservation by restoration: the management concept for a river-floodplain system on the Danube River in Austria. Aquatic Conservation 8: 71-86.
Tockner K., Schiemer. F. and Ward J.V. (1998): The restoration concept for a river-floodplain system on the Danube River in Austria. In: Hansen, H.O. and Madsen, B.L. (Eds) River restoration '96 - Session Lectures Proceedings, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark, 199-204.
Uehlinger U., Zah R., Bürgi HR. (1998): The Val Roseg project: temporal and spatial patterns of benthic algae in an Alpine stream ecosystem influenced by glacier runoff. In: Kovar,K., Tappeiner, U., Peters,N.E., and Graig,R.G. (Eds) "Hydrology, water resources and ecology in headwaters", IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK, 419-424.
Uehlinger U. and Naegeli M. (1998): Ecosystem metabolism, disturbance and stability in prealpine river gravel bed river. Journal of the North American Bentholological Society 17: 165-178.
Ward J.V. (1998): Riverine landscapes: biodiversity patterns, disturbance regimes, and aquatic conservation. Biol. Conserv. 83: 269-278.
Ward J.V. (1998): A running water perspective of ecotones, boundaries, and connectivity. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26: 1165-1168.
Ward J.V. (1998): A running water perspective of ecotones, boundaries, and connectivity. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 26: 1165-1168.
Ward J.V. and Stanford J.A. (1998): Changing perspectives in the ecology of regulated rivers. Proc. Austral. Soc. Limnol. 12: 37-51 (Plenary Lecture).
Ward J.V. and Voelz N. J. (1998): Altitudinal distribution patterns of surfacewater and groundwater faunas, p. 135-142. In: G. Bretschko and J. Helesic (Eds.), Advances in River Bottom Ecology. Backhuys Publ., Leiden, The Netherlands.
Ward J.V., Bretschko G., Brunke M., Danielopol D., Gibert J., Gonser T. and Hildrew A.G. (1998): The boundaries of river systems: The metazoan perspective. Freshwater Biology 40: 531-569.
Ward J.V., Burgherr P., Gessner M.O., Malard F., Robinson C.T., Tockner K., Uehlinger U. and Zah R (1998): The Val Roseg Project: habitat heterogeneity and connectivity gradients in a glacial floodplain system. pp. 425-432. In K. Kovar, U. Tappeiner, N.E. Peters and R.G. Craig (Eds) Hydrology, Water resources and ecology in Headwaters. IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK.
Wellnitz T.A. and Ward J.V. (1998): Does light intensity modify the effect mayfly grazers have on periphyton? Freshwater Biology 39: 135-149.
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1997 |
Baldy V. and Gessner M.O. (1997): Towards a budget of leaf litter decomposition in a first-order woodland stream. Comptes Rendues de l'Académie des Sciences Paris, Série III, Sciences de la vie/Life Sciences 320: 747-758.
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Brunke M. and Gonser T. (1997): The ecological significance of exchange processes between rivers and groundwater. Freshwater Biology 37: 1-33.
Burgherr P. and Meyer E.I. (1997): Regression analysis of linear body dimensions vs. dry mass in stream macroinvertebrates. Arch. Hydrobiol. 139: 101-112.
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Gessner M.O. (1997): Fungal biomass, production and sporulation associated with particulate organic matter in streams. Limnetica 13: 33-44.
Gessner M.O. and Chauvet E. (1997): Growth and production of aquatic hyphomycetes in decomposing leaf litter. Limnology and Oceanography 42: 496-505.
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Gessner M.O., Suberkropp K. and Chauvet E. (1997): Decomposition of plant litter by fungi in marine and freshwater ecosystems. In: D.T. Wicklow and B. Söderström (eds.), The Mycota: A Comprehensive Treatise on Fungi as Experimental Systems for Basic and Applied Research, Vol. IV: Environmental and Microbial Relationships. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pages 303-322.
Gonser T. (1997): Substrate preferences and activity patterns of two Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera) species from southern Chile. Limnologica 27: 281-299.
Gonser T. and Spies M. (1997): Southern hemisphere Symbiocladius (Diptera, Chironomidae) and their mayfly hosts (Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae). In: Landolt, P. and Sartori M. (eds.). Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera: Biology, Ecology and Systematics MTL Fribourg, Switzerland p. 455-466.
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Maret T.R., Robinson C.T. and Minshall G.W. (1997): Fish assemblages and associated environmental correlates in least-disturbed streams of the Upper Snake River basin, western USA. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 126: 200-216.
Marmonier P., Ward J.V. and Danielopol D. (1997): Biodiversity in groundwater/surface water ecotones: central questions, p. 231-235. In: J. Gibert, J. Mathieu and F. Fournier (Eds.), Groundwater/Surface Water Ecotones: Biological and Hydrological Interactions. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK.
Matthaei C. D., Werthmüller D., Frutiger A. (1997) The recovery of invertebrates from a bed-moving spate: new perspectives on the role of drift. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 140: 221-235.
Matthaei C.D., Uehlinger U. and Frutiger A. (1997): Response of benthic invertebrates to natural versus experimental distrubance in a Swiss prealpine river. Freshwater Biol. 37: 61-77.
Minshall G.W., Robinson C.T., and Lawrence D.E. (1997): Immediate and mid-term responses of lotic ecosystems in Yellowstone National Park, USA to wildfire. Canadian Journal Fisheries and AquaticSciences 54: 2509-2525.
Naegeli M.W. and Uehlinger U. (1997): Ecosystem and hyprorheic metabolism in a prealpine gravel bed river. Jounal of the North American Benthological Society 16: 794-804.
Schiemer F., Tockner K. and Baumgartner C. (1997): Restaurierungs-massnahmen von Flussauen: Das Donau-Restaurierungsprogramm bei Regelsbrunn, Schriftenreihe des Bundesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, 4: 206-224.
Schwenk K. and P. Spaak (1997): Ecology and Genetics of interspecific Hybridization in Daphnia. In: B. Streit, T. Schädler and C. Lively (Eds.), Ecology and Evolution of Freshwater Animals, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pp. 199-229.
Spaak P. (1997): Hybridization in the Daphnia galeata complex: are hybrids locally produced? Hydrobiologia 360: 127-133
Spaak P. and Boersma M. (1997): Tail spine length in the Daphnia galeata complex: induction by fish and costs. Aquatic Ecology 31: 89-98
Spaak P. and Hoekstra J.R. (1997): Fish predation on a Daphnia hybrid species complex, a factor explaining their coexistence. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42: 753-762
Spaak P. and Ringelberg J. (1997): Differential behaviour and shifts in genotype composition during the beginning of a seasonal period of diel vertical migration. Hydrobiologia 360: 177-185
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Tockner K. and Schiemer F. (1997): Ecological aspects of the restoration strategy for a river-floodplain system on the Danube River in Austria. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 6: 1-9.
Tockner K. and Waringer J.A. (1997): Measuring drift during a receding flood: results from an Austrian mountain brook (Ritrodat-Lunz) Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. 82: 1-13.
Tockner K., Malard F., Burgherr P., Robinson C.T., Uehlinger U., Zah R. and Ward J.V. (1997): Physico-chemical characterization of channel types in a glacial floodplain ecosystem (Val Roseg, Switzerland), Arch. Hydrobiol. 140: 433-463.
Voelker B.M., Morel F.M.M. and Sulzberger B. (1997): Iron redox cycling in surface waters: Effects of humic substances and light. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31: 1004-1011.
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Ward J.V. and Voelz N.J. (1997): Interstitial fauna along an epigean-hypogean gradient in a Rocky Mountain river. In: J. Gibert, J. Mathieu and F. Fournier (Eds.) Groundwater/Surface Water Ecotones: Biological and Hydrological Interactions, p. 37-41. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, UK.
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1996 |
Frutiger A. (1996): Embryogenesis of Dinocras cephalotes, Perla grandis and P. marginata (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in different temperature regimes. Freshwater Biology 36: 497-508.
Gessner M.O. and Schmitt A.L. (1996): Use of solid-phase extraction to determine ergosterol concentrations in plant tissue colonized by fungi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62: 415-419.
Gessner M.O., Schieferstein B., Müller U., Barkmann S. and Lenfers U.A. (1996): A partial budget of primary organic carbon flows in the littoral zone of a hardwater lake. Aquatic Botany 55: 93-103.
Koetsier P., Minshall G.W. and Robinson C.T. (1996): Benthos and macroinvertebrate drift in six streams differing in alkalinity. Hydrobiologia 317: 41-49.
Matthaei C.D, Uehlinger U., Meyer E. and Frutiger A. (1996): Recolonization of benthic invertebrates after experimental disturbance in a Swiss prealpine river. Freshwater Biology 35: 233-248.
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Naegeli M.W., Huggenberger P. & Uehlinger U. (1996): The use of ground penetrating radar for assessing the sediment structure in the hyporheic zone of a prealpine river. Jounal of the North American Benthological Society15, 353-366.
Robinson C. T. and Minshall G. W. (1996): Physical and chemical responses of streams in Yellow-stone National Park following the 1988 wildfires. Pages 217-221, in: J. M. Greenlee (editor), The ecological implications of fire in Greater Yellowstone, International Association of Wildland Fire, Fairfield, Washington.
Robinson C. T., Rushforth S. R., and Minshall G. W. (1996): Changes in diatom assemblages in Cache Creek following the 1988 wildfires. Pages 77-81, in: J. M. Greenlee (editor), The ecological implications of fire in Greater Yellowstone, International Association of Wildland Fire, Fairfield, Washington.
Spaak P. (1996): Temporal changes in the genetic structure of the Daphnia species complex in Tjeukemeer, with evidence for backcrossing. Heredity 76: 539-548.
Stanford J.A., Ward J.V, Liss W.J., Frissell C.A., Williams R.N., Lichatowich J.A. and Coutant C.C. (1996): A general protocol for restoration of regulated rivers. Regulated Rivers 12: 391-413.
Tockner K. (1996): Colonization experiments for biomonitoring riparian communities of a large regulated river, the Danube (Austria). Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 113: 433-442.
Tockner K. and Bretschko G. (1996): Spatial distribution of particulate organic matter (POM) and benthic invertebrates in a river-floodplain transect (Danube, Austria): importance of hydrological connectivity. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 115: 11-27.
Uehlinger U., Bührer H. and Reichert P. (1996): Periphyton dynamics in a floodprone prealpine river: Evaluation of significant processes by modelling. Freshwater Biology 36: 249-263.
Voelz N.J. and Ward J.V. (1996): Microdistributions of filter-feeding caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) in a regulated Rocky Mountain River. Can. J. Zol. 74: 654-666.
Voelker B.M. and Sulzberger B. (1996): Effects of humic substances on Fe(II) oxidation by hydrogen peroxide. Environ. Sci. Technol. 30: 1106-1114.
Voelz N.J. and Ward J.V. (1996): Microdistributions, food resources and feeding habits of filter-feeding Trichoptera in the Upper Colorado River. Arch. Hydrobiol. 137: 325-348.
Wellnitz T.A., Rader R.B. and Ward J.V. (1996): Importance of light and nutrients in structuring an algal community in a Rocky Mountain stream. J. Freshwater Ecol. 11: 399-413.
Wellnitz T.A., Rader R.B. and Ward J.V. (1996): Light and a grazing mayfly shape periphyton in a Rocky Mountain stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 15: 496-507.