Department Fish Ecology and Evolution

Food webs

A theory for next-generation food web data

Motivation: The purpose of this project is to combine high-resolution individual-based data with novel stochastic food web theory to improve our understanding of the mechanisms that drive intraspecific variance in prey selection and their effect on biodiversity in multitrophic ecosystems.


  • CJ Melián, V Křivan, F Altermatt, P Starý, L Pellissier, and F DeLaender (2015).
    Dispersal Dynamics in Food Webs,  The American naturalist 185 (2), 157-168
  • CN de Santana, J Klecka, GM Palamara and CJ Melián (2015).
    Metacommunities in dynamic landscapes  (In prep)


Duration and Funding

Duration: 2013 - 2015

Funding: Biology and medicine, Swiss National Science Foundation