Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development

Spotlight topics


In this new section, you can learn more about current WASH topics related to our research. We put a spotlight on selected topics by offering a mix of digital learning materials, such as videos, readings and links to related research projects.  

The first spotlight topic is entitled Towards Citywide Inclusive Sanitation and has been produced as part of the ConCaD-project. In “Towards Citywide Inclusive Sanitation”, experts from African and Asian cities (Kampala, Lusaka, Kathmandu, Dhaka and Abidjan) analyse the current sanitation situation in their cities, share their visions and highlight inspiring initiatives. 

Towards Citywide Inclusive Sanitation 
How are African and Asian cities moving towards citywide inclusive sanitation? In this video series, sanitation experts provide insights about the development in their cities. >> more information