Department Systems Analysis, Integrated Assessment and Modelling

Catchment-scale hydrological models are essential for understanding water processes and managing water resources. Conceptual models, which simplify catchment dynamics using basic storage and flow elements, offer a good balance between accuracy, computational efficiency, and ease of interpretation. SuperflexPy (, is an open-source Python framework based on the SUPERFLEX principles (Fenicia et al., 2011), designed for creating customizable conceptual hydrological models.
SuperflexPy allows users to build models of varying complexity, from simple single-catchment models (like a reservoir) to more complex, spatially distributed ones (such as nested sub-catchments). It provides full control over model components and can be easily integrated with other Python-based tools, making it accessible and versatile. SuperflexPy is open-source and includes comprehensive documentation, making it a valuable tool for researchers and professionals in the hydrology community to improve process modeling and support water management.