Department Urban Water Management
datValX - Automated data validation for low-cost sensor networks
This research will evaluate advanced numerical methods i) to preliminarily check the quality of sensor data collected in the Urban Water Observatory (UWO), ii) to detect artefacts, i.e. anomalies in monitored time series in real-time to facilitate sensor maintenance, and iii) to correct data allowing a better utilization. A toolbox for efficient data validation will be provided that complements the UWO – DataPool – System.

Recent developments in sensor technology and data transmission enable more affordable and flexible process monitoring in dewatering systems than ever before. As a result, considerably more data is being generated, but this can only be processed and verified to a limited extent using previous, predominantly manually applied methods. Fully or partially automated approaches are needed to enable robust real-time measurement data validation while minimizing human intervention.

Project duration
01.01.2018 - 31.12.2023