Info Day 2023: Aquatic research for sustainable development
September 14, 2023, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Eawag Dübendorf
All United Nations member states, including Switzerland, have committed to implementing the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the year 2030. These 17 goals include such topics as “Good Health and Well-being” (Goal 3), “Clean Water and Sanitation” (Goal 6), “Sustainable Cities and Communities” (Goal 11) and “Life Below Water” (Goal 14). We are taking the opportunity at the 2023 Info Day to present how Eawag research contributes to the achievement of these goals. After all, water is a theme that winds its way like a “blue” thread through the various SDGs.
We will elucidate the possible approaches to implementing the SDGs, both in Switzerland and worldwide, as well as look at the role of applied aquatic research in securing water supply and wastewater management. These topics will be addressed in the form of presentations, and in discussions on stage and with the audience.
Led by: PD Dr. Christoph Lüthi, Marianne Leuzinger
Conference language
The conference will be held in German and French with a presentation in English. Simultaneous translation into French and German will be available.