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Fertiliser from urine set to flourish

June 28, 2018 | Stephanie Engeli

Aurin is now authorized by the Federal Office for Agriculture to be used as a fertiliser for every type of plant. Valuable nutrients from human urine are processed into high-quality liquid fertiliser — the upshot of Eawag’s “VUNA” research project. The Eawag spinoff of the same name as the project is now forging ahead with its urine recycling model.

The Aurin recycled fertiliser contains all of the nutrients that are required by plants for growth. A combination of biological stabilisation (nitrification), active carbon adsorption and evaporation ensures that the fertiliser is completely hygienic and safe to use. And so from what is classed as a waste product, valuable nutrients are extracted that would normally take a large amount of energy to produce by conventional means. In addition to the pilot plant in Eawag’s main building in Dübendorf, the Vuna spinoff has now launched the “Vunamobile”. With the apparatus set up on a trailer, it is now possible to create fertiliser from urine on the spot with a portable system, which can be used for example at open-air events.

Design sketch of the Vunamobile
(Vuna GmbH)