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FIBER gets reinforcements

August 4, 2017 | Deborah Kunz

From August 2017, FIBER, the fisheries advisory service in Kastanienbaum, will again be managed by a team of two. Corinne Schmid, who currently heads up the office, is looking forward to working with Sébastien Nusslé as co-managers.

Sébastien Nusslé studied biology in Lausanne, completing his PhD with a thesis on the growth of whitefish. In 2013, after working as a postdoc at the University of Bern, he turned his attention to the protection of the waters, in a position at the University of Berkeley, California. His work there was mainly related to climate change, evolution precipitated by fishing, and the relevance of small water bodies. Sébastien Nusslé returned to Switzerland with his family at the beginning of July 2017.

Corinne Schmid and Sébastien Nusslé complement one another both in terms of their areas of expertise as well as linguistically. Corinne will be concentrating primarily on German-speaking Switzerland, while Sébastien will be looking after the francophone region. The fisheries advisory service FIBER is funded jointly by Eawag and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). Representatives from the two institutions, together with representatives from the Swiss Fishing Association, the Association of Swiss Fishing Inspectors and the Hunting and Fishing Management Conference, are responsible for the strategic direction of FIBER, which brings together real-world, administrative and research organisations with the aim of actively promoting sustainable angling and the protection of the waters.