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Our apprentices: the skilled workers of tomorrow
June 13, 2023 |

Annina Gsell, EFZ Laboratory Technician, specialising in chemistry, third-year trainee
Annina Gsell analyses water samples in the AuA (training and analytics laboratory). “For the most part, we do photometry,” she explains. What is important to her in her job? She says: “You have to do your work accurately and question it at the same time.” She likes the variety at Eawag. “You are always getting to know new people, different analyses and companies. This is also the way to look for a path in the future.” In the near future, she plans to complete the vocational baccalaureate and then perhaps study.

Max Hofland, EFZ Laboratory Technician, specialising in biology, third-year trainee
“I looked for apprenticeships as a laboratory technician specialising in biology, was allowed to take a closer look at Eawag and was on Lake Greifen with a department,” says Max Hofland. Because of the variety of work and the favourable first impressions, he then applied to Eawag. As a laboratory technician, he has to follow procedures and work precisely. Working in a team is also important. “At Eawag, I like the employees and the good atmosphere.” That’s why he would like to continue working at Eawag after his apprenticeship.

Paula Heiss, EFZ Commercial Assistant, second-year trainee
Already in her first apprenticeship year, Paula Heiss gained many insights into Eawag. She likes the varied work and the changes between the different departments. “What I like about Eawag is that even as a trainee, I was allowed to do a lot of things right from the start. For example, participate at meetings, helping out on Info Day and conducting interviews. I am also happy with the working atmosphere,” she explains. She has no plans for the future yet. The first thing to do is to complete her apprenticeship.

Noel Läderach, EFZ ICT Specialist, first-year trainee
“It was through the career information morning that I first came into contact with Eawag,” says Noel Läderach. He works for the support of various departments and sets up workstations. At a later stage, he will be responsible for certain departments. “Being friendly and understanding” is what he says you have to be as an ICT professional. He likes the work at Eawag. Among other things, the employees and the working atmosphere contribute to this. He doesn’t have any plans for the future yet.
Coverpicture: Fotos: Eawag, Peter Penicka