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Researchers awarded prize for promotion of alternatives to animal experiments
September 4, 2019 |
Eawag has been researching for many years to find alternatives to animal experiments so as to reduce and replace tests on live fish. One such alternative involves the use of cell lines from rainbow trout gills. The cells cultured in the laboratory can be used to reliably determine acute toxicity levels for fish of water samples and chemicals. In the spring of 2019, we reported that this toxicity test had been ISO certified.
The women responsible for this pioneering work on the use of alternatives to animal experiments are Kristin Schirmer, Head of the Environmental Toxicology Department, and Melanie Fischer, a Laboratory Technician in the same department. The two researchers have now been recognised for their outstanding work by 3RCC. The Competence Centre promotes the “3R” principles of replacing, reducing and refining when it comes to animal experiments in Switzerland, and supports the implementation of these in the biological sciences. The award is designed to honour researchers who have made an important contribution to promoting the 3R principles.