April 16, 2024Last Thursday, Eawag Director Martin Ackermann and Empa Director Tanja Zimmermann welcomed Innosuisse to the joint campus in Dübendorf. The Swiss Innovation Agency supports several projects, some of which our researchers presented.
April 4, 2024Invasive species influence biodiversity across larger spatial extents than previously thought. In a recently published study, researchers from Eawag and the University of Zurich show that the impacts of invasive species extend far beyond the ecosystems they invade and that three mechanisms are primarily responsible for this. These findings are of great importance for the management of ecosystems.
April 3, 2024Eawag and the Ecotox Centre welcome a total revision of the Plant Protection Products Ordinance (PPPO). However, the two institutes are calling for improvements on important points, such as the adoption of EU authorisations or the precautionary principle. The ordinance must ensure that other regulations such as the Water Protection or the Environmental Protection Act are not undermined.
March 25, 2024As of April 1, 2024, Eawag will have two new adjunct professors among its researchers: Joaquín Jiménez-Martínez and João P. Leitão have been appointed by the ETH Board at the request of ETH Zurich, both in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering.
March 22, 2024Eawag welcomes the planned revision of the Epidemics Act as part of the public consultation process. The amendments will improve cooperation between all stakeholders in order to protect the population even better against transmissible diseases and antibiotic resistance. The opinion of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology particularly emphasises the holistic approach, which includes human, animal and environmental health.
March 7, 2024Which barriers need to be removed for the greatest benefit of migratory fish? Where do the measures make the most sense and how do the costs relate to the benefits?
March 5, 2024The development of Swiss wastewater treatment is ongoing. Eawag studies now show that there is also potential for improvement in the case of emissions from chemical and pharmaceutical plants – both at wastewater treatment plants and within industrial facilities.