Archive News

February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016In Switzerland, conflicts between the societal goals of agricultural production and protection of waterbodies arise in particular with regard to rehabilitation measures, nutrient management and ecological compensation areas.

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January 28, 2016

January 28, 2016A lake’s sediments are a window onto the past – the various layers deposited over time can provide valuable information on changes in local environmental conditions.

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December 22, 2015

December 22, 2015Climate change is rapidly warming lakes around the world, threatening freshwater supplies and ecosystems, according to a new study spanning six continents.

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November 24, 2015

November 24, 2015According to a new international study – in which Eawag scientists played a leading role – the global climate shifted to a warmer state in the late 1980s. The research also indicates that the cooling initially caused by the eruption of El Chichón was followed by a rapid rebound in global temperatures.

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October 21, 2015

October 21, 2015What is required to facilitate the adoption of new technologies such as potable water reuse? According to a study carried out by environmental social scientists in California, users need to see not only how an innovation benefits them personally, but also that it is compatible the community’s values and can become a routine part of daily life.

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September 29, 2015

September 29, 2015The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has honoured Christoph Ort of the Urban Water Management department for one of his publications on the detection of drugs in wastewater.

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September 11, 2015

September 11, 2015An innovative building known as NEST is currently being erected by the research institutes, Empa and Eawag. The building is designed to allow entire residential units to be exchangeable.

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September 10, 2015

September 10, 2015At the International Transdisciplinarity Conference in Basel on 9th September, Sabine Hoffmann, a scientist in the Environmental Social Sciences department, was awarded the “Early Career Achievement Award” for her transdisciplinary work.

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August 7, 2015

August 7, 2015Before new chemicals can be approved, environmental risk assessments have to be carried out. But conventional toxicity testing with live fish is costly and time-consuming, and new substances continue to be produced without being adequately assessed. 

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July 31, 2015

July 31, 2015Traditionally, water resource management has been in the hands of local or regional authorities, planners and users. In order to alleviate urgent worldwide water problems, scientists and politicians are increasingly calling for global approaches.

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