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100 Years of lake research in the Lucerne Nature Museum

November 14, 2016 | Andri Bryner

A small exhibition in the Lucerne Nature Museum has been curated to commemorate the founding of the Hydrobiological Laboratory in Kastanienbaum 100 years ago in 1916. Visitors will also be able to view the exhibition “A Chance for the Otter”, which will be showing throughout the same period in the Forum Treppenhaus, as well as having the opportunity to learn about the early years of the Institute and some of its more recent projects, and take a look at some of the original equipment used.

Large-format photographs of algae demonstrate the otherwise generally hidden beauties of the lake. Lake Lucerne has been the subject of research since 1916, and this work was expanded to include lakes and rivers all over the world shortly afterwards. In the place where the Lucerne Association of Natural Sciences and volunteer researchers – with close ties to the Nature Museum – originally set up the laboratory, Eawag now runs a modern research outfit, the “Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Biogeochemistry” with around 100 employees.

The exhibition runs from 19 November 2016 to 30 April 2017
The preview takes place on Friday, 18 November 2016 at 6.30pm, Lucerne Nature Museum, Kasernenplatz 6, 6003 Lucerne

Preview programme in Lucerne Nature Museum
- Introduction – Welcome from Dr Britta Allgöwer, Director
- Linger – With the Otter: Dr Hans Schmid, President of the Pro Lutra Foundation, Head
  of Animal Care, Zurich Zoo
- Lake research: Prof Dr Bernhard Wehrli, Department of Surface Waters, Eawag
- Refreshments: aperitifs, provided by the Friends of the Lucerne Nature Museum

Other events to celebrate the 100-year anniversary

Tuesday, 7 February 2017, 6pm: History and Stories – 100 Years of the Hydrobiological Laboratory in Kastanienbaum. Public guided tour of the exhibition in the Nature Museum. Duration 1 hr, free entry.

Thursday, 9 March 2017, 6pm: Visit to the Eawag aquatic research institute in Kastanienbaum: inside view of the history of the laboratory and some of its current research projects. Duration c. 2 hrs. Sign up by Monday, 6 March 2017 at or call 041 228 54 11.