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Jubilee in Kastanienbaum draws large crowds of visitors

June 22, 2016 | Andres Jordi, Andri Bryner

The rain poured down on the day, but it was outdone by the large numbers of people streaming into Eawag’s open house in Kastanienbaum. On the weekend of 18th and 19th June more than a thousand guests took advantage of the opportunity to catch a glimpse into the work of the Lake Lucerne researchers.

The event marked the 100th anniversary of the hydrobiological laboratory at Kastanienbaum, celebrated this year by Eawag and the Lucerne Society for Natural Sciences.

At more than 20 info stations, including the floating platform on the lake, the research laboratories and the aquarium rooms, the visitors were offered a wealth of presentations. Scientists and technicians explained how one removes a sediment core from the lake bottom, what one can see in this sediment, what genes reveal about the development of new fish species or their disappearance in Swiss and African lakes or how one can follow on the computer the travels of fish fitted with microchips. While the adults learned about the advantages for nature and mankind of revitalising rivers, the children became river engineers and turned the models of absolute straight streams into meandering rivers and brooks. In addition to presenting theory and practice, there was time for the very interested public to enter into discussions with researchers and to sample the crisp batter-fried fish and other regional specialities. The event was a success, with everyone in a good mood, in spite of the rain.

Photo impressions from the open house and the school class visits on previous days

Competition at the open days in Kastanienbaum

146 competition talons were inserted during the two open days in the ballot box. No five correct answers could be found only on 13. Thus 133 talons participated in the draw by apprentice Sina Hasler as a lucky charm and Helmut Bürgmann (environmental microbiology) as supervisory. To the winners and the correct answers.

Special event for invited guests

On 6 June the NGL, Eawag and 120 invited guests celebrated the inauguration of the first laboratory on 18 June 1916. Eawag director Janet Hering and NGL president Erwin Leupi looked back over the 100-year research history and the development of the site, thanked the enthusiastic employees and made it clear in their speeches that they are both convinced that major research results will be achieved in the future as well. Councillor Ueli Amstad (NW), who is also president of the Lake Lucerne regulatory commission, Lucerne City Councillor Adrian Borgula and Markus Hool, Horw City President, emphasized the importance of the aquatic research in Kastanienbaum for Switzerland as a whole and praised the collaboration of science and praxis. Markus Hool presented to Janet Hering a “birthday present”, a young but already impressive sweet chestnut tree, which has been planted next to the boathouse (where the story of Kastanienbaum is told in a mural). Photo impressions from the event

Councillors Paul Federer (OW) and Ueli Amstad (NW), Barbara Bär (UR) and Lucerne City Councillor Adrian Borgula (front row); Erwin Leupi (NHL President), Janet Hering (Eawag Director), Markus Hool (Horw City President).