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Swiss Fisheries Advisory Service to be continued

October 12, 2015 | Mirella Wepf

Since it was founded in 2004, the Swiss Fisheries Advisory Service, Fiber, has established itself as an important interface between research and practice. Fiber is jointly funded by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment and the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag). The two partners recently made the decision to continue their collaborative venture for a further four years.

Eawag and the Federal Office for the Environment have been funding the Swiss Fisheries Advisory Service, Fiber, since 2004. During this period, Fiber has developed into an important bridge between research, administration and practice. The courses and excursions offered by the service are well-frequented. Over 100 people took part in Fiber’s “Spawning Season” programme last year, for example. Topics covered by the course included how to better recognise trout spawning grounds, and why the encouragement of natural reproduction is important for the long-term survival of this popular edible fish species.

The new brochure “Trouts in Switzerland” has already had a second print run and has received over 3,000 orders so far. Fiber’s newsletter has also met with an enthusiastic reception and the subscribers now total more than 6,000. In addition, a large number of fishermen and women contact the advisory office with specialist questions.

Focus on small rivers and streams

In the coming four years, Fiber will be placing a heavy emphasis on small rivers and streams. Natural spawning and diversity of fish in Swiss waters are topics which will continue to be a central focus of the service. Courses and excursions on the following subjects are also being planned: Spawning greylings; the development of habitat for young trout; spawning cyprinids such as nase, chub and barbel, and the revitalisation of rivers and streams.

The advisory office is now being jointly managed by two people, since biologist Corinne Schmid joined the team in September 2015. The existing director of the advisory office, Bänz Lundsgaard-Hansen, is reducing his hours due to family commitments.