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“Women in science benefit from inspiring female role models”

February 11, 2022 | Annette Ryser

To mark today’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science, female researchers at Eawag talk about their experiences and motivation in short videos.

With today's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the UN is working to promote careers of female researchers. This day reminds us of the importance of introducing young generations to female role models in science.

“The flexibility and self-determination I have in science are big plus,” says postdoc Josianne Kollmann, for example. In short videos produced by the aquatic research institute Eawag (together with Empa and PSI) to mark the day, she and five other female scientists at Eawag - from MSc graduates to research group leaders - talk about what inspired them to pursue a career in science and technology. PhD Student Marie-Sophie Maier, for example, says: “I became a researcher because it allowed me to pursue my curiosity and learn something new almost every day.”

Commitment to equal opportunities

Eawag is well positioned, with 49 percent of its staff and 45 percent of its scientists being women. Women and men are on an equal footing in terms of pay, as regular analyses show, and at 36 percent, the proportion of women in management positions is at a relatively high level.

In order to promote women in a targeted manner, Eawag continuously reviews and optimises working conditions for women. Women's careers are also specifically promoted through networking and mentoring activities, training opportunities and support for employees in finding flexible and individual solutions in order to balance work and family life.

The activities are supported by the Equal Opportunities Committee and Eawag’s Diversity & Inclusion Expert. It is part of the cross-institutional Diversity & Inclusion Unit PSI – Empa – Eawag.

Cover picture: Thomas Klaper, Eawag