Chapter 4: A blue-green success story

The landscape needs more water bodies to promote and restore blue-green interactions. There is a great need for action. But there is also some good news: targeted measures are successful and a restoration is possible. For example, the construction of several hundred new ponds in the canton of Aargau has greatly boosted or at least stabilised the populations of almost all amphibian species.


(in German and French only)

  • Alarming stock declines
  • Rapid intervention is the right strategy
  • Trend reversal partially initiated
  • Amphibian extinction averted
  • Valuable knowledge for practice
  • Continue and expand efforts

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Key messages

> If the right framework conditions are created and the right measures are taken, the loss of biodiversity can be averted. The long-term success of restoration measures can be assessed by monitoring programmes.

> A variety of water body types support a large number of amphibian species, each with different habitat requirements.


Co-Leaders of the research initiative

Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt
Tel. +41 58 765 5592
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Prof. Dr. Catherine Graham
Tel. +41 44 739 2361
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Scientific Coordinator

Dr. Morgane Brosse
Tel. +41 58 765 5798
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