Chapter 6: Planning and implementing ecological infrastructure together

Switzerland needs intact networks of ecologically optimised areas that include both aquatic and terrestrial elements. This not only requires an ecological analysis showing the size, quality and location of habitats but also their distribution in the region. Since habitats are strongly influenced by humans, a stakeholder analysis should be carried out in parallel with the ecological analysis to identify the players responsible for the habitats in question. This allows gaps and synergies to be identified in joint and coordinated action for functioning ecological infrastructure.


(in German and French only)

  • The diversity of players
  • Coordinated approach
  • Identifying challenges and solutions
    • Box 11: Backlog in the settlement area
    • Box 12: Biodiversity is not (yet) a coordinated political programme
  • Knowledge and participation increase public acceptance of watercourse revitalisation projects

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Key messages

> Switzerland is still a long way from integrating biodiversity into ecological infrastructure.

> Functioning ecological networks require functioning social networks consisting of very different players in society. For each element of the ecological infrastructure, the stakeholders need to be identified and motivated to cooperate.

> The participatory involvement of the population will lead to a positive perception of watercourse revitalisations and other water based ecological infrastructures.


Co-Leaders of the research initiative

Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt
Tel. +41 58 765 5592
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Prof. Dr. Catherine Graham
Tel. +41 44 739 2361
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Scientific Coordinator

Dr. Morgane Brosse
Tel. +41 58 765 5798
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